Tuesday, September 28, 2004
♥ FY members
hohoho...now we've decided the Suzaku members liao...
1. Tamahome -ME
2. Hotohori -unknown
3. Nuriko -Hui Min
4. Chichiri -Wendy
5. Tasuki -Sarah
6. Mitsukake-unknown
7. Chiriko -Nan Xiao
Played netball during PE...ball bong Sarah's and Rachel's head.lolx.-_-won 1-0, haiyz...could have done better without the SUN staring at me!! Mrs Soh not here today...we were like WHEEEE...2 periods free!! Then we came to a conclusion that we'll go park picnic after exams. Hohoho. Wasn't very interested in Lit lessons today...almost slept...dun even know what Ms Loh talking about. hohoho...-_-...DRAG Nuriko and Dosy to Hougang Mall today...and as usual, i was mad on bus. hohoho!! Nuriko was there...telling us about Macs...haiyz...wad can i say? She's a dodo...ah gua...hohoho...
Monday, September 27, 2004
♥ aWwww...
So bad luck today...injured my knee during PE. Lao ma zi also injured herself. haiyz...still duno what to do for art exam, no idea seems to pop up in my head...hohoho...dieXXX.

What Fushigi Yuugi -Suzaku Seishi is your Ideal Match? brought to you by Quizilla

Your Tamahome!!
Which Fushigi Yuugi character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, September 26, 2004
♥ Wheee...
MUAHAHAHA...finally got my own blog. Just watched A Cinderella Story on Friday...quite like the show...so use the template lor. hohoho...Hilary Duff so adorable...I realised something from this show, it's that fairytales do come true...in the reality of another fairytale...