Saturday, October 30, 2004
♥ i'll miss many things...I'll miss u guys...
Was reading through Sheree's blog just now. Realised that I'll be missing alot of things next year...and the following year. .......
I'll miss the 7 of us dodoing in class together...
I'll miss Lao Ma commenting about my hair...miss her poking people and pinching people...miss her as a hamster and our lao ma zi... dun be so disgusting when doing things and eating le...
I'll miss HuiMin gaying around in class...having to say that her hair is very messy always...miss her giving me my laughter... miss her encouraging me... miss her chatting and dodoing with me during higher chinese...miss her being crazy... miss her pei wo do things in class...thx for leading me out of my shell in sec 1...[dodo u make me cry when reading ur blog]....stop acting gay..not everyone can stand ur well in B2 and make me proud of my bf...
I'll miss Wendy's depression every morning... miss her cause she not my assembly parnter next year...miss teasing her as haystack...miss her being siaosiao at times...miss copying her chemical equations everytime...miss seeing her carrying the orange bag... stop ur depression le...dun want see u depressed next year morning ar...I'll come find you...u promised to be like da!!
I'll miss Sarah being siaosiao always...esp after drinking milo...miss her scolding tamahome is an idiot...miss seeing her lying on HuiMin and always gaying with her...miss seeing her calling Wendy "di di"...miss her asking people to button up...miss her acting like tasuki...
I'll miss NanXiao being siaosiao at times...miss copying her work in the morning always...miss her talking with me on buses...miss her hitting me so hard at times... miss seeing her being a smart kid scoring well in tests...continuing doing well for ur tests and exams ar...
As for Cherry...we'll meet again next year... thx for not appealing...saw ur daughter's blog? Must take care of me ar...haha...
Most importantly...I'll miss the 7 of us growing up together in class together... having recesses together... drinking milo and be siao together... laugh loudly in class together... have weird ideas... forming a circle in class and talk together... talking with HuiMin, Wendy & Sarah about FY... copying homework from each other in the morning everyday... drawing the board, filling it with FY stuff... our laughter... our everything...
Even though some of us are in different classes...i hope that our friendship will last long, and our laughter will fill the air...and that the 7 dodos will be together forever...Wheeeeeeeeeeeee....!!!!
=Once a dodo, always a dodo.=
Friday, October 29, 2004
♥ PLMGS(S) rawks forever...We 7 dodos rawk forever...
Today is a very memorable day...
Whole school cleaned school today. Nothing special.
Canteen. Ate cake with the whole of 2A1'04.
Go carpark formed 2004. Wendy saw "chicken thigh" and she saw Wendy. Haha so funny.
The weather was so terrible that i got headache. Haiyz..everyone was sun tanning there. Sang many songs in hall. That's our last assembly in that school hall. Shifting to S'goon Garden holding school next year.
Went back class received report books. Jue Ying Wendy Nan Xiao go 3A1, Me and Cherry go 3A2, Sarah go 3A3. Sarah cried. It was very sad...Wendy cried... When Sarah and Wendy hugged together and cried that time, we all cried. Its really very sad to see the bestest friends going different classes. Why must we go different classes? Isn't just great that we stay together the whole of 4 years? Why must this happen? Especially to the 2 of them. But... like HuiMin said " I believe the 7 of us will be together again. Once a dodo, always a dodo.". We WILL alawys be together...forever. Sarah...don't sad...we all will meet together alot of times de... like in the morning, recess, after school. Haiyz...
DODOS RAWK!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.... The 7 of us rawks!!! Friends Forever!!!
*Cherry u don't appeal ar...if not I will very sad...kk? PLease??
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
♥ Happy Birthday Chichiri!!
It's one of the dodo's b'dae today. Wheee!!!
Had christmas service. So boring when the person was speaking. Then when the whole service was about to end, everyone sang songs and created a lot of havoc. Haha. The whole hall very noisy...but the atmosphere was very good. Miss Gan said that we ruined her favourite song--"Find Us Faithful". LOL.
Was packing the robotics stuff. Those 2 idiots. Think I duno what they thinking about me...I felt like thrashing them up. Idiots. My things your things...want throw them away. So useless sticking extra tape. Show me that sicko attitide...wack you ar. Idiots.
Chichiri's birthday. Went ate cup noodles opposite. Set a "trap". fun. Lied to her got that thing ask her come down. We got her a pizza caki, chocolate caki and want want. And of course a new sling bag. LOL. WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
♥ dodo
Went out today...Nuriko kana hit by the fallen soft toy. So dodo.
The links not working...ARHHH!! Nex time then see what problem. Go cut hair le.
Monday, October 25, 2004
♥ ...Construction In Progress...
Changing my blogskin... the html very messy... so duno when then ok... bye!! Wheeeeeeeeeee.........
♥ Wheeee....
Had maths trial in the morning. Went Changi Airport. Nuriko was so excited when taking skytrain. Haiyz, dodo what. Okay lah the trail...just that some of the questions so dodo and the time so short. It's like doing the stuff halfway and that person say our bus come liao. So not fun. Oh ya..Sarah was so excited during the trail. Siao siao.
Went back school. Ate lunch, Sarah was so hungry. PLayed badminton, haiyz don't mention it. Took "quan jia fu" with dosy.
Went compass point and dodo-ed around at Macs and Kiddy Palace. There are SOO many Kukumalu stuff there and lao ma zi was so excited. LOL. She didn't know that that was a Kukumalu and said that it was very cute. We laughed till mad...esp me. I think.
Macs there also siao. We are also siao at Macs. Yeah! And it's me again. Shooting Nuriko they all. Kana poked by dosy when the camera faced her. SO DODO!! Discuss many things. Ya...
So fun...haiyz... xiang dao we next year split liao jiu very sad. 2 years past so fast. Wheeeeeeeeee!! Go out again. 7 of us. Hope.
Friday, October 22, 2004
♥ took pictures!!
Netball in the morning. Miss Tini not fair again. Don't Want say liao. Don't know what happened to my shooting skills today. Shoot so many times only 1 time go in. Malu.
FREETIME!! LAO MA ZI OPERATION!! GO!! We set up a funneral-like thing in front of the class with a hamster picture. HAHA. Then when lao ma zi entered the class we started praying and crying. HAHA. Offered her Kukumalu pencil box and sunflowers. Took pictures and videos. ALOT. FUN!! Nuriko was acting gay again. We did some dodo actions and took. HAHA...chichiri and nuriko very funny. LAO MA ZI OPERATION....SUCCESS!!!
Today is the free time. But Dosy not here!! WHAAAA!!!>.< So ke xi...she's not in our pictures. Haiyz...what happened to you??
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
♥ fun+dodo day
Checked English and Literature papers in the morning. Very sad. When Mrs Koh said to the class," You'll be separated." I heard the word "SEPARATED" that time felt like crying. Haha.
Netball inter-class competition. The umpire so LOUSY!! Stupid...say close 1 eye let them have the 1st goal counted, never see their stepping, give us lesser time...!!!! SO UNFAIR!! We could have won or draw lor!! DUMB!! Nuriko was so upset...
Then we went for the homesexuality talk. Remind me of Gay Nuriko. Hohoho. She's XXY, in the gay culture with Tasuki. HOHOHO.[sry if offended any FY fans.haha]
Checked overall results for every subject. So sad with my marks. How go A2 like this... we were given a 2nd chance to opt for the classes.
Wushu. Okay lar. Then we[Tasuki, Nuriko, Me]went back class take pics. HAHA. SO FUN and Nuriko was gaying around.LOL. Next time can upload pics den let u people see.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
♥ Dead>.<
Before checking papers, we were watching some dodo movie in the hall. So dodo that the 6 dodos lied on the dirty floor and stared into the sky...or should i say rooftop? shiok lying down like that. So relaxing.
Check paper. Dead. My chinese, maths, science(esp.)SOO LAN!! I can't believe myself that i got a C for science lor...die dream is to go A2 leh, lidat how to go. Dodo. Only happy with my geog marks. Geog ROCKS!! okok. DUMB!STUPID!DODO! Why I always do so badly in my exams...
Later was the HCL camp. Haha...the gay teacher.mao liang liang. Nuriko--->gay. HOHOHO. -_-. SAD!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2004
♥ FY comic
Finish reading FY comic borrowed from Sarah. Only 14+16. Sign. I WANT TO BUY THE WHOLE SET!! $72. NO $$$!! haiyz. Hope the price remains the same even after fer years later...earn $$ then go buy. Found that the OVA also included in the comic. WHAAAA!!! I WANT TO BUY!!...:(
Friday, October 15, 2004
♥ fun!! marking day. Went out practice netball, Nuriko so disappointed with us, haiyz...whatever, the stupid weather soo hot, play liao very xin ku. Then the 7 of us went heartland take neoprints!! Sarah decorated 1 suzaku de.hohoho. stupid machine. So fast then din have the time to choose, in the end only got 2 designs. Went Burger King ate. Nuriko was there spying again.HAHAHA. Dun feel like eating that time, no wei kou.
Then went shopping with Dosy+Tasuki+Chiriko. Bought...ya...then at Toa Payoh there Dosy and Chiriko were like..SIAO??!! Kept laughing and laughing non-stop. DODO ar!! So time we must 7 go out again then take photo put in the album. Wheeee....tired.
Thursday, October 14, 2004
♥ 88th Founder's Day
Today is PLMGS(S) 88th Founder's Day, quite impressive har? It's been such a long journey...and we are still moving forward to face the coming challenges. We are moving to Serangoon Garden Sec(holding school)next year, don't know will miss here a not. Whatever, the furture brnad new PLMGS(S) will be like...SO NICE!!! So jealous that i won't be able to study in the new environment.Haiyz...primary school like that...Secondary school also like that...poor me... Ya, the new school got a 720-seat concert hall, a gym, basketball court at 3rd level somemore...SO JEALOUS!
Was so sian after the exams are over, there's nothing I can do to get rid of my "sian-ness". so...changed layout!! It looks abit similar to Hui Min's blog, wadeva...DODO FOREVER!!

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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
WheEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!! Exams are FINALLY OVER!! But still dun have the aftter exams that excitement..wadever! As long as i no study until die can liao!! SUPER FUN TODAy!! After last paper we went J8. Ate Long Johns..then talk about sec 1 mean lao ma zi was...hohoho...laugh until i so hot and face went red. We talk so long and so noisy! We also talk about how we met each other...blah blah...then we took neoprints!! Add a birdie wing on lao ma zi's head...wait!! It's 2 wings!! HOHOHOHO!!
After that sian liao we went Hougang Point. Mcdonald's!! HuiMin's 3rd house. The bus journey we so noisy...whole bus only we talking!!ha! Then went into Macs bought ice-cream...and DODO DOSY toppled mine:(bought a new one. Then we were talking again! About how to "zheng" HuiMin when she working...1 day we must go disturb her!!WHAHAHAHA!! The we bully her...ask her go take 3 cups of water...hohoho...the manager looked at us and laugh. I was there, laughing at our convo, until face went hot and red again..HAHAHAHA!! Friday we going Changi Airport. promote S'pore...each 1 wear 1 letter on us and form the word "S'pore" HAHAHA.
So sad...went home. Luckily Nan Xiao looked at the board, if not we take wrong direction. DODO!! The we crossed opposite..JAy Walk...haha. NO 112!! haha...took 72...the miss the stop. Walked back to the previous stop. Haiyz...poor NX duno she reach home liao a not. Today very fun jiu dui liao.HOHOHOHO!!
SoOoooo year we separated liao...some choosing P.Lit, some choosing P.Geog(maybe) haiyz...sad. 2 years so fast past liao...How i wish we were all in the same class for the 4 years. SAD.....:(
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
♥ suai1 lar today...
Morning was studying the stupid chinese then never see the steps...miss it and sprained my angle...dodo...after lao ma zi pai ka now my turn. How to play netball on Friday??!!arghh...tot tmr after last paper then jump into the pool and swim dao shuang...ARGHHH!!
The HCL paper was like...HUH??!!the cloze passage...dun even noe what it toking about!! 20marks all use ti-kam de...die liao lar...stupid compre oso...some questions dun even noe what it asking.!!!! Tmr last day liao...WHEEE...just finsihed my art(i think)..and i haven started studying 10 chanpters of D&T...hohoho it's 6.49 now...whatever..burn midnite oil again lar. Dun even understand why we learning D& if we want to be some carpenter or something...
Thursday, October 07, 2004
♥ died twice
Maths paper today...died twice for paper 1 and 2.Some questions was like...WHAT? arghhh...just going to do badly for this term. Dint manage to finish 1 qns again and left about 2 or 3 BLANK!! SO SHITTY!! Cant concentrate on studying in Sec...then everything do so lao ya...NO MOOD TO STUDY!!!AND TMR IS SCIENCE...gonna die for the 5th time tmr...
What's so great about exams?? So sickening...make the students feel STRESSED only by foring them to study and get the whole year work into their small brains. Exmas finish also forget everything liao.
How...I'm slacking...ALOT!! NOT at all interested in studying anymore...go school just to play and crap and go siao. The more i force myself to study the more i dun want to study. What's happening to me...i'm like a dodo hanging around...duno what to do now. SAVE ME!! Wait...I thought i was dead already? nvm...i still got alot of lifes...waiting to be KILLED by the STRESS!! SHOO!! Pour acid let you corrode!! Sickening lazy bugs in me...
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
♥ regretted...
Regretted writing so slow today. Regretted spending too much time on the first 2 sections and didn't really bother about the last one. Regretted not managing my time properly. Really dead this time, didn't complete section C. This is final-year exams and i take it so lightly...thinking that i could complete section C quite fast. Now how am i supposed to go first pure geog class?? Ysd English also not much hope, except for the first few sections. Received back CA2 maths results...did quite badly. ARGHHHH...feel like venting my anger by hitting somebody now.!!!!
Sunday, October 03, 2004
♥ wedding by the sea
Went Sentosa to attend wedding dinner yesterday. Quite different...witnessing their marriage by the the sun sets. The sunset so nice man, then the waves add to the atmosphere.WOW. Captured some nice. The buffet SO SHIOK!! got noodles, sharks fin, grilled seafood, sushi, char siew, chicken, sotong+prawn salad, cakes, ham...and many more!! SO DELICIOUS!! until very full...hohoho... the wedding flowers was thrown 3 times...haha, poor flowers... *I'm still thinking about the food...HOHOHO*
Friday, October 01, 2004
♥ today
Had 3 lessons of Bio today...thought I would die, but i din...din even sleep. Hohoho...first time.wheee...So impressed by Miss Tan today...within 50 mins can throw up the whole of Sec2 geography textbk contents, including population. Wonder how BIG her brains are. Went siao with Tasuki during HCL, give many people entertainment. hohoho...esp infront of Cheryl sim & Jeanne. Did the "yi zhi gong" to few people...SO FUN!! Yaaaa...finally bought 1 blouse liao...after shopping for 6 shopping centres. HOHOHO!! but also not THAT like it...aya whatever lah...WHEEEEE... HAPPY CHILDRENS DAY!!!WHEEEEE....HOHOHO....