Friday, June 30, 2006
I went gym just now and ran 2.5km for 30mins. This is the first time i ran so long CONTINUOUSLY. WOW. haha.
But I didn't lose weight at all lar. So sad. Hope I'll lose one or two tomorrow morning.'s tomorrow. So fast. Our turn to perform. Hope I wont zao sia. Cause the "jiao zuo yuan liang" I will. Sian. Oh yah...must sing super loud tmr cause we dont have individual mics. Like that I'll zao more!! ARHHH!!! CHOYCHOYCHOY...I'll sing well tmr. Yes yes.
Papa Mama most probably going tmr. So sacred. Haha. Never ever in my entire life have I perform in front of them before.
My nails broke a bit. CRY!
Must sleep early today. My eyes are getting fatter and blacker and more lines. I DONT WANT! sian.
♥ music marathon
Went for the 90h music marathon opening ceremony yesterday. But we missed it by 5 mins.
He's there lar! That cute cute teacher...cutest teacher I'hv ever seen. Haha. He was surrounded by 3 women yesterday. So popular lar him. I wanted to tou pai him. But when I figured out how to tou pai, he was already gone!!! Hope our teacher-in-charge is him. HOPE.
Oh yah, Ken was there, too bad Barbie wasn't.
YeeLing took photo with Mr George Yeo and even asked for his signature. Haha. Her idols are all politicians and ministers lar. Then got some reporters took that sence. Haha.
Saw Mrs Tay marking our mid year exam papers. She said out concepts are not there yet! opps.
Tmr's our turn. Jiayou!
Friday, June 23, 2006
♥ arhhhhh!!!
Finally finished studying 11 chapters of physics. But there's still another 11 chapters to go!!
Left 2 more days.
Homework how?
I only completed Englsih, except for 1 summary. Plus half of Physics. The rest are untouched. Argh. What's with the homework and exams man. Irritating pests! I'm gonna throw all of you away after my last O'levels paper. BYEBYE!
Went to check out the handphones at compass point M1 shop today. None of it caught my eye. Except for one ba. $1000+ HAHA. Gonna check it out at Parkway Parade tmr. My future handphone bills will be real LOW...only $2 per month. HAHA! Dont jealous.
After watching a bit of the finance affairs thingy show, I suddenly remebered of what happened at Shanghai 2 years ago. SO CI JI man! Haha. Cannot say here...later I kana caught.
Haiyz...going off to study for physics again. Hope I'll chiong finish General Waves Properties by 1am. Been sleeping after 1am recently. My eye bags and skin condition are going to worsen...CHOY! But I shi-mianed last night. Once I closed my eyes, my mind will wonder off to things which I'hv never even seen before. So I slept for 4.5 hours yesterday only. Poor me. Woke up at 6.30am this morning. not to study of cause.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
♥ studying and studying and studying
Have been studing like a real student these few days. Especially on Tuesday. Even though I watched the Poseidon Adventure. I think it's quite nice. OH, congrats me. I'hv studied 11 chapters of chemistry already. And for once, I thought that chemistry is quite nice. Haha. I must be getting mad from studying too much. But I still have 200 pages of chemistry to go.
Geography I'm left with agricultre. That BIG topic. Physics I'hv studied 4chapters so far. Another 290 pages to go. Oh No.... And as for lierature, I'm gonnna leave it to the last day. No interest at all. And I'm not going to do homework. I'm kind of proud of myself this week. Haha. CAuse I didn't leave it to the day before to study.'s been quite a while since I last touched a keyboard. I find it hard to type.
Papa gonna buy me a new handphone and open a new line for me either tmr or sat. HAHA!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
♥ add on
I want to add on to yesterday's post. From the infomation I'hv gathered so far, I found out that Xu Zheng Rong likes to gather with teenagers. Hmm...I think he's trying very hard to remain young. Haha!
Eh, I'm seriously lacking of self-control. I spent 2 days doing a comprehension! I do one question, and I'll go around the house looking for food, watching tv, going toilet, blah blah blah. Argh. And my " tomorrow" habit is getting worse. I must really start studying man!!
I'm gonna spring court for dinner later. Hope the food there is nice! Haha!
Another day wasted....
Friday, June 16, 2006
♥ i see stars. haha.
Went Chinatown with pa and ma today.
OG is having this Kanebo beauty pageant. I want to buy the products can? They look so lovely and elagant. Haha. I saw these 2 renowned make up pros from Jap. But I seem to know them. Haha. Then I saw this familiar-looking photographer. I thought I was just hallucinating, until ma came to told me about that guy too. OH! Yuan lai he's xiao wei's wedding photographer! He's so funny, his trademark is " ya chi na chu lai!" Hahah! So funny lar. Ok. I don't think you all will find it funny. My ma said that if I were 18 years old, she'll send me to participate in the pageant. Haha.
Saw Xu Zheng Rong and 3 campus superstars there. At first I thought I saw the uniform guy, so I turned over to double-check. It's really him. Then I wanted to see who were the rest of the people. But I dont dare. Later they saw me look at them how??So I walked walked walked, with curiosity pilling up. So I turned over to look again. I saw Xu Zheng Rong. But I still dont know who were the rest of the people! For once I thought it was Joushua Ang they all cause Sarah saw them with Xu Zheng Rong before. Argh, I was still curious. So I sneaked to peek at them again. Chey, no lar. It was Adriano. But who's the last one? Suan le.
Ok. I'hv been seeing stars recently. Belinda, the superhost guy, the never say die Miao Miao, Xu Zheng Rong and campus superstars. I wonder if I get to see Michelle Chong and Mo Xiao Ling on Sunday. Cause they are going Hougang Mall for a road show or something. Let me see more stars man!
Ok. I totally pigged out today. Everyone will faint upon seeing the list of "What Wan Ling has eaten today"
Dumpling noodles
Chicken Floss Bread
Indo dian xin with lots of coconut[shared]
Double Decker todbits
Instant noodles
Curry puff[shared]
Ice cream[shared]
Sugar cane juice[shared]
Curry chicken noodles[shared]
1 bottle of herbal tea
Hmm...tha's about it. HAHA. My tummy is bloating recently. Argh. Cause...yea...I no need to state it so obvious. It will deflate someday.
Gonna pig out tomorrow's dinner. Just make a reservation at Spring Court to celebrate Father's Day. I think I like that place. It's so china. Haha.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
♥ #@^%$#^!&$@$%
blah blah blah blah blah blah.........
figure out yourself what I'm typing about.
*sensored out words*
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
♥ past memories...
Oh...I missed Pasir Ris. How I wish I could shift back there to live once again. The BIGBIG house with BIGBIG space to do whatever I like. Skipping, rollerblading, cycling, playing badminton, ball games, playing self-create game titled "stepping marble". 12 years of my life was spent there, and all the memories just flew back yesterday when we went to Downtown.
I should not have been so keen on asking my papa to buy my present house now. Haiyz. I kind of regretted. My mama said that if it wasn't because of the siao ding dongs there, we may still be living there ba. I remembered that there was this siao one who lived above us. He looks dirty and siao. So my mama kept warning me not to take the same lift as him. And according to mama, he was her ex-neighbour. Haha. There was a funnier inccident. I think that period was the Osama period. Then one fine day, while my mama was cooking in the kitchen, she looked down and saw a suspicious character bathing downstairs using the public tap. He had curly hair, and he didn't look like a local. Then after bathing, he took out incense sticks to pray. So my mama quickly called the police. Shortly after, I went to kitchen to check out the lastest news. GUESS WHAT I SAW? I saw
ELEVEN policemen surrounding him, questioning him. ELEVEN : ONE. WOW! That was quite hong1 dong4. HAHA. I was shocked man.
Now, Pasir Ris has been upgraded, and Downtown looks so fun and exciting. Even the food court has improved a lot. I like the food there. Especially the resturant-like chicken rice. The tofu is nice man. In the past, my father had never said before"Let's go back to eat again." But now, he said" Next time come back and eat again lor." Downtown is just like one playground from my ex-house. Haiyz...I missed there.
When I went back to Pasir Ris, I felt so...erm...a sense of "I'm a Pasir Ris resident". Haha. But things which have gone cannot return anymore. So, haiyz. Just let me buy back my flat can?
Saturday, June 10, 2006
♥ thanks!! Dodos.
Hey thanks so much Dodos for the whole thing! I love the white bag! So girly and pure, just like me. HAHA. =]
You all wanted to trick me huh? But I saw through everything not believable one. First was all 3 people late for tuition, and then took the same bus here. Second was Sharon waving weirdly to me. Third was Sarah-jiejie and Wendy going down buy ice cream. obvious can? Haha! But I appreciate it.
But then when we were about to take the bus, Huimin, Laoma and Xiao popped up. I didnt expect Huimin to turn up. But I somehow knew Lao ma will turn up. Cause I heard them mumbling some stuff secretly. HAHA! But too bad Laoma cant go the party.
Bought Dexter's present, wrapped it. Or rather wrapped them. As his jiejie Sarah-jiejie didn't wrap it and was still watching anime. Tsk tsk. Ok. Went down for dinner. The squid not bad. The noodles too. The wormy soil thing in the pot was quite creative. But the nicest food was the chocolate pot thingy!! [dont know how to spell. haha. dont laugh.] ATE ALOT. HAHA. SO NICE!! Took alot of servings. I felt like a kid when stuffing that thing inside my mouth. HAHA.
Then was games time. Whee!! I love playing games. The parcel passing game was so fun! I wanna play it again next time! Didn't play with so many other people before. It's so cold over there...burr....Haha! I felt like a kid. I think it's so good being a kid.
After that was cake-cutting time. So cute the cake! Dexter was Ash. Haha! So creative. The angle so accurate somemore. Hmm..thent he six of us went up to get candles to poke on the cake. Wait, by the way, I think that Sarah-jiejie's relatives are so fun. For example the auntie. Haha! But there werent any candles. So Huimin used the toothpick. SO CUTE! Never seen a toothpick catch fire before. It burned quickly, so they had to sing the song quickly too. Haha. The cake was nice! But a bit
nua-nua one. Cause i think the mousse left outside for quite a while already.
Aya...too bad never take photo.Stackie's father is so nice!! Haha! Drove me home. Thankyou!OK. THIS IS THE CLIMAX OF THE DAY.WANLING VS COCKROACH
I reached my door. THEN! I spotted this ka zua! IT FLEW TO THE DOOR! WAHHH!! A small ka zua can fly??!! I think that's the pest my mama said it was under the dinning table. Ok. I opened the gate. THEN I STUNNED. I dont know what to do. I'm SUPER AFRAID of cockroach. I wanted to approach my neighbour. But suan le. Don't disturb them. Ok, then I thought of an idea. SLIPPERS ATTACK! I threw the first slipper. Missed. Ka zua flew away a bit. Then I thought, since the gate wasn't locked and that idiot's slippers are still around, he should be at home ba. Then i called home to ask for rescue. First the phone line was busy. Then the second time, it got through. But no one picked it up. FORGOT ABOUT IT. I just have to depend on myself this time. I threw the second slipper. I hitted it, but it didn't look dead. I threw it again. It's still alive i think. THE LAST TRY. I SMASHED IT HARDLY. It dropped down. But I cant find the carcass. I hesitated before opening the door. Then i faster unlocked it and chionged inside, without pulling back the gate. Cause I dont know where's that irritating pest. Nobody's at home. But why was the line busy? Weird.
I had a great day today. Thanks Dodos. I make sure the bag doesnt get dirsty so soon. Haha. A bit hard to bao yang white.
Friday, June 09, 2006
♥ separation is so heart-breaking
guess guess guess just now. Ah ya is leaving for New York and this is her last show, with Jacky Wu and Rainie.
LAST. It's so sad. Especially for Jacky Wu.
TEN years of parntership and now it's gone. He didn't act cute and do weird stuff like he did before in all his shows. Yea...tens years le...who in his right mind will not grieve over the separation and continue fooling around? Thus, there wasn't any thing to laugh at during the show.
At the part where Jacky sang a song properly, for the first time, specially for Ah ya, it was so touching and heart-warming. Jacky almost cried, rainie cried, ah ya cried, the guests cried, the audience cried, and I almost cried too. But I didn't. Cause everyone was in the living room.
Since separation is so heart-breaking, why must there even be separation?
♥ my poem
The weather is rather cold now. Plus I'm alone at home. It's so scary. Plus the marble noises above me [due to some mechanical stuff], and other weird stuffs. Just composed a new poem to Wendy just now regarding this. Haha. Shall blog it.
Cold wind enters the empty house,
enhancing the fear in me.
The house seems so small yet so big.
when can you return home to make it warmer?
Haha! So weird. Heck. People seldom compose poems one.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
♥ i love this template!
I love this template! It's so starry! Stars stars here and stars stars there. Oh..I just love to relax and admire the beautiful stars shinning brightly above me. But it's very rare to see a sea of stars above you. I remembered that during last year's Sec 3 camp, I saw it during the campfire night. What a beautiful sky...with TONS of stars right above me. WOW! I won't forget that beautiful night.
Another time I saw it was when we came back from the malacca trip. The JB road there.
But I think Singapore's nicer.=)
I wanna see it again.
♥ sian again.

Ok. Gretch wanted to see my study table. nar! Here it is.'s rather messy. But I think it's quite good already. Cause I packed some of the books away. Hey...what can you expect from a student's study table? YES. Tons and tons of books which make everyone giddy. I'm gonna throw ALL the books away after my O'lvls. But I think I'll keep some of the more impt textbooks for fture references. I'm gonna change it to a dressing table after that. HAHA. Just my own thinking. Most likely won't be agreed by parents. Waste money.
2 weeks of torturous lessons are going to be over after tomorrow. phew. But holidays are coming to an end very soon. Just 2 more weeks. I haven start my homework[ok, maybe 1 chapter of the chinese book], haven revise for mid-years, and I still have so many tuition lessons next 2 weeks.
GIVE ME MORE TIME. But I think i may have the time if i use it wisely. I'm just wasting my time on useless stuff lar. Online, TV, sing songs [hey im in the
guo min mood now]. I must really buck up after Sat. At least my mountain of homework by next week. So I can have time for revison.
I didn't sleep in lessons today. WOW, and i was paying my 95% of attention to ms ferng during chemistry. Not bad sia. Was marathon audition after that. The mic cant work properly today, thus we have to
qing chang.
I didn't sing well today. Must practise more after the exams. SIAN! Other people's exams have finished a month ago and ours have not. I'm gonna complain on the end-of-year survey. Provided sec4s are allowed to do. This half exams thingy really failed.
SIAN! One problem arises after another. After I found a not-bad hair mask for my hair, I found out that my scalp is quite oily. I DON'T WANT! One with an oily scalp will face hair loss problems. I don't want. Consulted Gretchen. Ok. I'll only apply the condition and mask on the ends of my hair. I don't want to drop hair.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
♥ sian
Went back to school for lessons again. As usual, I reached very early. Hang around.
A math lesson was quite fast. We were dismissed at about 9.15a.m. I think she thought that the bell was the dismissal time. Haha. We zuan4 dao4. Chiong-ed to canteen to buy my favourite nuggets. So nice!! Nuggets+mayo+chilli sauce. YumYum..
After that was geog. SIAN! I just like sleeping even before the lesson started. Time passed VERY slowly...
Got back physics mid year practical paper. WOW! Zoey got highest. Not bad not bad.
I used the loreal hair mask yesterday. Carian said that my hair looks less frizzy. :) thankew thankew. I shall impose a policy to use the mask every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I want a smoother and silkier hair.
Monday, June 05, 2006
♥ new
HEY! Yep, I justchanged my template. Been looking for a nice template since 800 years ago but to no avail. This template caught my eyes, however i think this is quite common. Nevermind. Shall change it again someday.
Went PC Show with papa yesterday. It was crowded like
MAD! According to the news, 800,000 people went for the exhibition yesterdat.
WOW! The compaines must have earned like mad. Ok. After walking for more than 3 hours, papa finally bought a stereo set. But he regretted buying this brand's one as the other brand's seems better. Too bad. Saw this electronic which is camera cum mp3 cum mp4. I wanted to buy. But I didn't voice out as I know that the reply from my papa is confirmed a 'NO'. Didn't see any nice and reasonable-priced handphone. So never buy.
Recieved english, emath and amath papers back today. SUCKS. But i kind of expected this kindof lousy results. Cause I didn't really study with my heart for the exams. Failed a math, for the first time.
HOW?! i can't even go tp like that. Well, my english marks remained the same. Emath deproved a lot. From A1 to B4. Amath too. From A2-D7. I seriously can't produce this kind of results for my Os.
NO! NO! NO! NEVER! Played 205 with zoey, yeeling & sam to de-stress.
Went Hougang Mall after that to meet my mum for lunch. I quite love the herbal duckie. Oh! I fogot something. Mama laughed at my amath. What the. Nevermind, at least she didn't scold me. Bought Loreal hair mask, Dove body shower and Listerine at Watsons. I wanted to buy other skin care and hair care products, but mama said 'NO!" Next time then. Buy one at a time so that I don't seem to spend a lot of money.
I'm transferring all my songs into my mp3 now.