Saturday, March 31, 2007
♥ Sports carnival
The Sports Carnival is overall quite good, except that the waiting time is too long. First stop was dragonboat. Our class came in second for that race. Very good very good. It looks quite fun.
Next was 1km running. I could see that pair of red shoes from far and know that my class is reaching the finishing line soon. Haha. They are super striking. Ok...then waited super long for the frisbee match to start. In between I was like having a war with those insects. Stupid insects.
Then after a long wait, our class played a trial frisbee game. To build more mo qi within the team. So, during the real match, we totally trashed the other class. HAHA. Our team totally rocks. All the good passes, interception and catching. I think got 1 girl from the other class not very shuang because her teammates never block us. So we always can get the frisbee. It was a good game. But it ended so fast lar. It's been long since I last played a real since sec2 netball match? Haha.
My face is like quite chao ta now, and it's still feeling hot after 5 hours. My face colour is so uneven lar. Argh.
Friday, March 30, 2007
♥ Hectic Friday
Had a hectic friday today. Today is my busiest day in NYJC. I finally had a a little taste of what it's like to be a JC student.
Econs tutorial is super boring. I prefer the previous one. Although he always tense up the atmosphere, he's very good at teaching and I won't have a chance to sleep in class. After which, my hectic life starts. Haha. Went to library chiong Physics homework-Tutorial A, B and a summary table. There's totally no time to finish it at all even though there's 1.5 hours of break. Then, chiong to econs and geography lectures. JC life seriously makes my stomach ask for more food. I get hungry super easily. I make sure I pack some tidbits or chocolates to school to fill my hungry stomach in between lectures. I hate the growling feeling man. I was able to not eat the whole day without feeling hungry during my secondary school days. Chiong homework immediately after lunch. I finally finished it before GP. I thought my hectic life had ended.
GP was super boring plus stressful. She gave us an argumentative essay to write on within 30 minutes! I chose the topic on "A person should not be forced to do something he does not want to. Do you agree with this statement?" Do you see the relation? Forced to write essay. It's been a long time since I last wrote an essay lar. Super rusty.
Physics tutorial was SUPER funny. I just couldn't stop laughing when the tutor did something funny. But, again, nobody's laughing! Only me. Eh..I think got 1 more laughed too, and the other 2 were laughing at my "cannot-be-stopped-laughter". Haha. SUPER FUNNY, visually. I tried to stop laughing. But the more I try to stop, the more I laugh. So I had to keep covering my mouth with my hands. Haha. And I couldn't look up at all. The moment I look up and see something, I would start laughing non-stop again. Had a hard time stopping my laughter. HAHA.
Tomorrow's the NY sports carnival. Hmm...I'm quite looking forward to it. Love the frisbee game. But I realised that I became rusty when I played it yesterday. GOSH. Hmm..I quite miss playing frisbee with 0735 in the first 3 months.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
♥ childhood
Wedsnesday is a slack day. PW in the morning, break for 3.5 hours, Geography lecture, assembly and CCA.
Went to the library with Gretchen and Sally during break today. We talked about our beautiful and memorable childhood days. So many memories came of the most unforgettable and unique memorable was those days during super heavy rain, when I was still living in Pasir Ris. Papa would always drive his car into the void deck of the heavy rain to pick us up! Seriously. I'm not lying. He would drive on the walkway and into the void deck. Yes, so there would be this car at the void deck picking up passengers. Haha. Then some people would just look. WOW. Amazing ba. Only Papa would come up with the idea of driving into the void deck. Haha. Sally and Gretchen laughed non-stop, IN THE LIBRARY. Super noisy. So I laughed at Sally because her cheeks were both tensed up due to my wonderful story. Haha. We all laughed till tears wet our eyes. Haha.
Childhood is always nice. Now, we're like going to be packed with notes and notes everyday very soon. It's true that you should always treasure those times. But we often don't listen to the advices given by seniors. We also talked about how old we are. 3 more years and our first digit of our age will change forever. OLD. And we were from the toottoot generation. During the 1990s, people were still wearing those big big spectacles and flowery dresses. Haha.
I miss those childhood games and cartoons. The Hotel, blowing bubbles, cooking set, Barbie dolls, Heroes3, MegamanX3.....Sailor Moon, Tom and Jerry, teletubbies, Pokemon......But they will be gone forever lar....
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
♥ sick again!!
Went to Kovan CC to play basketball with the dodos yesterday. The sun was super scorching and the heat made me giddy. I think. I felt like vomitting and fainting. Stackie taught me the right-left-left step. Haha. It was quite fun. After Huimin arrived and we went into heartland mall, I felt as if I was dying lar. The same old feeling which I had last year after eating a big cup of sticky chewy chocolate ice crea. Argh. Super terrible. No appetite.
While waiting for the take-super-long-to-come bus, I left super terrible lar. When in the lift, I almost vomitted out. But I kept holding back. The lift was super slow. I chiong into the toilet without even locking the door and vomitted everything out. There was a mixture of orange juice, ice lemon tea and sugarcane juice. Haha. Wasted.
Arghh....tauruses' health is really bad this year....
Went see doctor. He said that I must eat plain. If nothing of these had happened, I would have gone to eat seoul garden with family. Haiyz...
The class allocation thingy is still not out yet.
Friday, March 09, 2007
♥ NYJC Orientation2 2007
Today was the last day of Orientation2. Had a detective game in the morning. Went around to solve a murder case. When the answer was revealed at night in the hall, everyone
pu su ma li ya, OEI! the murderer. Haha. I love this
Oei cheer
. Then people will
I dont give a damn! I don't give a damn! Do you think I give a damn? I don't give a damn back. Haha.
Mass dance. I quite like the 3 dances, although the spinning parts give me headache in the beginnings. Haha. I was refering to the real giddiness.
Oh, then Stackie came to crash NY. She's quite on when doing the cheering competition trial. Haha. Though she's not part of Chinook. I love the
We are we are Chinook! Chinook! We will we will crash you like a han jim peng, never never rise again. roti prata roti prata, peng chao da! peng chao da! cheer.
After the pizza night, Stackie left. Dancing King and Queen competition. Then, followed by the cheering competition. I love it man. Everyone was so high. Chinook won the most inovative cheer. Lastly was disco night!
But I'm super not the disco type of person. So infront i wasn't that high. But I love the 3 mass dances in the end. Super high and fun! Especially the uh dance. They fastforward the song and everyone danced very fast. Haha. Super fun. Followed by the traditional dance at a normal pace. This time I didn't feel giddy when i spin. Haha. Lastly was the superstar dance.
NO ENCORE. So bad one.
Super tired. Everyone perspired like mad.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
♥ joycelyn liwen outing
After like how many times of failed outing, we finally managed to meet up. Haha. As I was super early, I purposely stopped at the bus-stop near my Pasir Ris house, and I walked from there to White Sands. So memorable....the route which I took for 12 years. Haha...
By the way...Joycelyn was late for 1 minute. Haha.
We went to TM to eat at central. Quite expensive though. A plate of cheese chicken chop rice cost me $8. Then we took neoprints. After which, we walked from White Sands to EPPS, then to Elias Mall. On our way...we talked so much about our primary school memories and people. Haha. 4+ years have past since then.
Liwen and Joycelyn are quite lucky to get many epps friends in TJ and MJ respectively. Then the school I get into always don't have epps people one. Haha. But I saw 1 from my primary 3 class. But he don't remember me ba. I think he studied for a while and then went abroad.
Hmm....If given a choice, I won't move house. All my childhood memories and the familiar places around there. Especially Downtown is getter better and better.
Hmm. Tomorrow's a new beginning again. Totally know none of my new tribe members. I hate to re-make friends. I don't like the starting feeling. But I like the ending feeling when I get to know them better. Haha.
Oh...Dosy....HAHA! Don't try to poke me yea? When you see my along the corridors. Haha.
Monday, March 05, 2007
♥ Gary photos at autograph session

This is how near Gary is from his fans. And me of course.
Such a rare experience man.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
♥ Gary
Went to Junction8 just now. Walk, walk, walk....and I saw Cao Ge having his autograph session at 3pm. So gang hao it's 3pm! So I pulled my aunt in. In his first song, he came down stage and walked along the side and I shook his hand! Haha. Like me, he got sweaty palm.
Next 2 songs were on stage. Then, he said that he wanted more close contact with the fans. So, he came down stage! He's the first singer I'hv ever heard of who came down the stage to sing! And there was only 1 guard at his side. He went through the first barrier, second barrier, third, fourth and five. HE WAS SO NEAR ME LAR! Like just 1 cm?? I took many close up photos of him. Haha. And he was holding his mic in one hand, and his video cam in the other, filming down his fans. He said that he wants to bring it back to Taiwan. At one point, he flimed me and I took his photo. Haha.
How I wish other singers would do the same lar. FRIENDLY, I can say. SUPER FRIENDLY. But too bad not my top idols. Haha. But nevermind. I shall include him too as he sings really well. His live performance is like singing from the album! I think a singer can only do this kind of thing in places like Singapore. Imagine him going down stage in Taiwan Xi Men Ding. He'll be run over by his over thousands of fans lar.
Such a lucky day. Haha.
I'll post his photos online after I get home.
Friday, March 02, 2007
♥ warehouse
Went to a warehouse sale and bought many things. Haha. I always get to more more things when I go out with papa, and always get to buy nothing when I go out with mama.
Bought Rebok running shoes, socks, 2 shirts, and a figure twister. I love sale. Always have reasons to buy. Haha.
♥ .
Econs tutor is very scary sometimes. Don't know how to describe.
I think of all Math tutors, Mr Loke is the funniest lar. Tell you 2 Math jokes now.
1) The question states: comment on the above expression.
Student's answer: No Comment.
2) Save the earth, Kill yourself. Reminder: do not squeze fractions into a single line.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
♥ .
I seriuosly feel that JC pe lessons are 50 times more fun and interesting than Secondary pe lessons. We played supermario dodgeball today. Our team trashed the other team in all the rounds. Haha. But I accidently hit someone's specs. I totally agree with a passage given out during the reading programme. Women normally will say "sorry" many times when apologising. But I was rather unhappy when that teacher scolded me for playing cheat. But I swear I did not! I explained to her already lar! But she don't believe me. Whatever.
Last CT period today. I'm 99.9% sure that my tutor still don't remember my name yet. He called almost everyone but not me. But I agree that I'm partly to be blamed too as I'm always super quiet in classes. He always refer my group of friends as the quiet ones. But teachers always forget that there's always another side of a student, be it a super nosiy or super quiet one. I'm used to it anyway.
Going to watch hua yang now....