Monday, April 30, 2007
♥ amk hub
Mingwei messaged me at noon to ask if I wanted to go AMK Hub. I thought he msged wrong person at first. Coz a bit weird weird. Haha. After school, I reached his house in less than 2 mintues. ARGH! I want to live there too!! Ate cheescake. Yi ma ma said that mingwei made it. Haha. Quite nice lar. I think I go his house just to have tea break one lar. Ate cheesecake and pumpkin cake. (:
Then, went to AMK Hub. Shop shop around. Oh...Minghao wears contact lenes one. Looks better. Saw the shoes. Wasn't as expensive as I thought. He just bought this super expensive online game lar. Argh. Jealous. Haha!
Went Serangoon Garden there for dinner. Wanted to go for the mushroom steamboat initially...but a little expensive plus nothing much to eat huh? $26.80+++ for eating a variety of mushrooms? Haha. So we went to the chicken restuarant to eat. THE CHICKEN IS SO SMOOTH AND TENDER!!! The curry fish head is superb too. Sambal kangkong...chicken chop...fries...HMMMM....NICE~
I WAS CHEATED FOR SO MANY YEARS....until today...I finally found out that the bright "star" isn't a star AT ALL! Mingrui told me that it's a satelite!! GOSH. Satelite doesn't blink. Stars do blink. So I look at th stars again. Yeah. That bright thing always doesn't blink. GOSH. Cheated.
Holiday tomorrow....
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Dodos! At PL Agape Hall.
♥ NY 30th carnival & PL concert
Dragged Dosy, Stackie, Sarah and Nan Xiao to NY 30th anniversay carnival in the afternoon. We went to library to talk talk. Sarah and I talk to each other on the phone even though we were just like 1m away from each other. Haha. Went to the grandstand with Stackie to see her TJ friend. SHE GOT TRICKED BY ME!! Hahaha!! I wanted to check my sms initially, then I decided to trick Stackie. I passed the handphone to her, telling her that Sarah wanted to talk to her. She got the phone and went "hello? hello? hello? hello?" several times. Haha! Then I couldn't stand it and told her that the screen was blank. HAHA!! She went, "what the hell...." HAHA!! I laughed out super loud.
Went XXX chinese restuarant, recommended by Sarah Wan, to eat. Sarah, I'll not go back there again to eat the fried rice. Never ever. The egg taste so yucky lar. Tasted like raw and rotten eggs. Eww. The pork chop not tender enough also. Wasted my $12. The xiaolongbao wasn't WOW enough too. Yeah...Sarah, you should bring me on an eating trip. I haven't been to 99% of Singapore's restaurants. Only kopitiams. Haha!
Next, we went to PL concert. The Agape hall wasn't that big as I thought it would be. About the size of NY LT4. I miss singing worship songs as 1 PL family, I miss Mrs Lee's "few words" speech, I miss praying as 1 whole school. The PL feeling suddenly came back during the singspiration. Haha.
Hmm...the band conductor was rather dramatic when conduting. But quite funny lar. No offence, but choir's standard like dropped abit leh. The last 4 years was better. Harp was quite nice, although not as WOW when I first heard it in PL. Dance improved ALOT. It's quite a funny and lively tribe dance. The performance put up by the various instructors was superb too. Handbells was SUPER ZAI. With the new and bright outfit, they look as though they were truely enjoying the performance lar. Plus the instructor also. Gosh. SO NICE. Last but not least, PL GUZHENG. Best of the Best. Everytime I watch guzheng performances, I'll go wow! Haha. the best guzheng tuan in Singapore man. Haha. Only Sarah and Nan Xiao stood up and cheered for them. Ailing they all remained seated down even though she was the one who asked Sarah and NX to stand. Haha.
Had quite a nice day today. (:
Friday, April 27, 2007
♥ hectic firday
I think I did something a little mean on purpose just now. But, it gave me a little of satisfaction though. Haha!
Today is an unlucky day. Firstly, I forgot to bring my physics tutorial which I spent quite a long time doing it. I shall pass it up tomorrow. Hope that he doesn't scold. Secondly, economics test was a disaster. I left a six marks questions blank. No time+don't know how to do. Argh. Then the questions in front were not answered well. First 'counted' test. I'm going to fail it. Argh.
Yesterday best. I didn't do my economics tutorial. Many didn't do too. Tutor "scolded" us. Ok. I learnt my mistake. I will do my homework next time. So I went home and did the econs tutorial, math tutorial and physics tutorial. I spent so much time on them lar. But in the end, I still can't complete my math tutorial. HARD. TOUGH.
Tomorrow's NYJC's 30th anniversary celebrations. Asked the dodos to go too. Hope that it'll be fun tomorrow. After which, we'll be going to PL concert.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
♥ sim card rejected.
Oh...stupid me. I went to play with my handphone security function and in the end, I locked my SIM card, and worst of all, I disactivated it. Which means that now, my SIM card is completely useless. My papa called up the customer service to enquire. Had to wait until Thursday or Friday before papa is free to go down to Paragon to change my SIM card. No handphone for theis entire week!! I feel a little uneasy without it. What if someone wants to call me and I can't be reached? Or I'm unable to reply smses? Hmm..but my main concern is the alarm clock function. But papa say the alarm still can ring even when it's off. So...yeah.
Went to the coffee shop tutorial room to do our math and geog. I quite like that room. It totally looks like a kopitiam with the rounded bright tables. Haha!
PW lecture was kind of disturbing. The lecturer almost burst my eardrums! It was super terribly LOUD lar her voice, and she didn't notice it. I think her voice was over 70dBA lar, causing a noise polltuion.
PE was quite all right today. Ran 4 rounds plus did the 5 items. I finally can do my 7 inclined-pull ups. Haha! But SBJ was horrible. I could easily jump at least 164cm during my secondary school days lar...but now, it's kind of hard to get 160cm. I think my main concern for this year's NAPHA is not 2.4, but SBJ.
Math tutorials are still torturing me! SHARON!! I SERIOUSLY NEED MY MATH TUITION!!! Hahaha!!
Monday, April 23, 2007

♥ dodos @ PL
The Dodos went back to PL to collect O's certificate. We met in the canteen. Laughed like mad when Lao Ma told some jokes. Haha. Also, we made a hell lots of noise in the General Office. The sofa was so nice to sit can?! Haha. It just sinks down. Took some photos there with Qin ai de and my son. Haha. When we were about to leave, I heard someone said, "Sarah? She's scary lar! Damn scary!" HAHA!! People are still scared of you lar, Vice-Head Prefect! HAHA!!
Next, we went to Guzheng Room. The 3 guzheng people sat in the room while we went to find teachers. Wanted to call Miss Ferng out. But the intercom was super lousy! It was so super soft that I couldn't hear what the teacher so saying. So, in the end, we failed to meet Ms Ferng. But we continued to hang outside the staff room, and saw Ms Ferng arm-chio-ing again!!! HAHA! It's been a long time since I saw her arm-chio-ing lar! Haha. Gosh. We paid so much for a loudy intercom system man.
Waited for them to come out from guzheng room. Meanwhile, me, Stackie and Dosy were taking photos at the well area. Haha. So fun lar. Went opposite mama shop to eat cup noodles. We talked and talked and talked. Hmm...we used to go there eat cup noodles too once in a while. Lao Ma kept showing off her praised PI and Sarah kept talking about her Maths test. Haha! Soon...we went off at about 7.30pm.'s kind of rare that we'll do those stuff together again. Haha. Took bus 53 with Nan Xiao. We used to run and run and chase after the bus during lower sec times lar. Coz the bus loved to arrive at the busstop when we were still like 100m away. ): Hmm...when will be our next bus 53 ride? Haha. Kind of never ba. Haha. OHH!!! Got got got. This Sat's PL concert. Come Ny's carnival leh dodos. Got games to play one. Haha!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
♥ april bdae
Went to macs at kovan to do homework in the morning. However, there was someone celebrating his birthday there and we had to give up our seat. Argh. Gretchen kept stealing my fries lar! Haha! I then stole Esther's. Haha!
We then went to Hougang Mall's Long John Silver to do our work. Eh...I spent so long to just do 3 math tutorial questions lar! Slow. At around 3pm, Carian came with him. Gave her the birthday card. Yea...went to Cafe Cartel. Ordered mudpie and ice-cream. He performed bboxing. Gosh. Damn li hai lar. First time hear bboxing from so near. Haha. Did a few magic tricks also. Haha. Carian kana tricked by the pen trick.

The photo abit blur huh? Who take one? Haha.
Talk talk until about 5+pm we went home liao. Oh..carian, I love my Bobdog shirt. Don't jealous that I keep wearing it. Haha!
Happy Birthday to Carian and Esther!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
♥ econs lecture
Economics lecture wad super interesting and funny today. Mr Lawrence used the example of Jolin and Lin Zhilin as his girlfriends to explain that whether a good is a substitute or not depends on the user but not the good itself. Haha. It was damn funny....seriously. Everyone laughed like mad. Aya...should have recorded down his lecture and let everyone hear. Haha. Super funny.
Econs theory:You see a gorgeous lady at a party. You walk towards her and said," hi, 'm rich. Please marry me." That's called DIRECT MARKETING.You see a gorgeous lady at a party. Your friend introduced her to you, telling her that you're rich and please marry you. That's called ADVERTISING.You see a gorgeous lady at a party. You walk up to her and said, "hi, I'm rich. Please marry me." Then, she gave you a tight slap on your face. That's called CONSUMER FEEDBACK.You see a gorgeous lady at a party. You walk up to her and said, "hi, I'm rich. Please marry me." She then introduce you to her husband. That's call BARRIERS TO ENTRY.Hmm...Gretchen's abandoning me The Drum. >.<
Physics tutorial. I was flipping my worksheet and I heard the tutor said "ok, I see a volunteer," and he passes the marker to me. Eh...I didn't even volunteer lar. Lucky I know how to do the question. Last half an hour, Sally was pissed off by him. Haha. Chill....
Next Monday we're going back to PL in our various JC uniforms. Quite looking forward to it. Haha. Must bring camera!
Oh, and, Happy birthday CARIAN!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
♥ pizza party
Went to Compass Point with Gretchen to meet up with Zoey for our pizza party. Haha. Zoey's still the old joker. Damn funny in pizza hut lar. I think we contributed to 95% of the total noises. Haha. Stole some pictures from Zoey's blog.

Hmm...I miss my partner lar. Sob. Those days at the back....
Joke of that day:
We went into 77th street. Zoey saw a transparent bra strap with flowery patterns, and went "WOW!" HAHA!!!
I miss wearing PL uniform. Going back on 28 April for the concert. (:
Oh....heard that the O's certificates are out already too.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
♥ torturous PT+stressed math tutorial
PE was super torturous with physical training. First was running 1.6km, then after some stretching, we did this super tiring strectching the thigh muscles there. Super super digusting...had to step forward and stretch and bend down to touch the ground. Had to do that for about...2x80m? Super tiring. Then was 30 slow sit-ups. Lastly was leaning against the wall with legs bent at right angle. Gosh. That was super torturous too. Almost died at the end of the 1hour lesson.
Today's math tutorial was the most stressful one in my entire JC life. 3months+ only. Haha. Another tutor came to relief today. Got a sudden quiz. I totally don't know how to do lar. Except for the very first half part. Gosh. Then he gave many questions to test us on the spot. I was sitting directly infront of him and I could feel the stress. Haha. That's the consequences of not studying hard and end up feeling stressed up in classes. Haha.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
♥ PI
Finally completed my PI.
Killed quite a number of brain cells.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
♥ Mural paintings
NY mural paintings today! Haha. I'hv been waiting quite long for today to come. I think painting is fun :).
0729 and half of 0730 painted block 317.
Painted for like an hour? Then we slacked for 3-4 hours. Haha. Seriously too many people to fit into that small wall. So gretchen and I just slacked on the floor and observe people. Haha. We just love to sit in the breeze, observe people, and then gossip! HAHA!
Principal came by and said that our class painted very fast. I think he's very friendly and funny towards the students. Haha. Like during the photo session. So funny lar he. Haha.
Then after slacking...went to touch up on the houses...I quite like to climb onto the highest step on the ladder. I used to not dare to do that. Haha. Improvement.
Photoshoot session. Took a little more than half an hour to take a few pictures at the next block completed mural. Sally's arm kana stepped. Haha. Coz the 3 guys were like standing on the water hose box. Quite fun lar the session. Haha.
Then we went back to scrub the floor. I think my fingers muscles have developed after scrubing like mad. My nails kana dissolved in the tinner lar! Coz our ct like over poured the tinner onto my my beautiful nails got in contact with the tinner. beautiful nails....heartbroken. Haha.
Went home at around six. Slept throughout the night.