Friday, June 29, 2007
♥ orchard shopping
Shopped at orchard just now. My initial plan was to but a sling bag, a handbag and shorts. But in the end, I bought a converse wallet @ $9.90, the bling bling diamonds for nail art, and 2 PC games.
There wasnt a single sling bag which I like at orchard. Maybe except for the red Crumpler bag, which costs $156. My sponser don't want to sponser me leh. Haiyz. Shall look for another chance to ask my sponser again.
I'm trying to play the motogp 3 now.
ARGH!!!!!!!! The disc is spoilt lar! It just kept loading and loading and nothing else happens!!! CHEATED. Tomorrow go and change. Argh. Wasted my $19.90. But it looks super nice to play. It's a motorbike racing game.
I bought another game-dead to rights. Not fun. I became dizzy a short while after i play. NOT FUN. Wasted.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
♥ exams
Mid Years are finaly over. Most of the subjects were ARGH.
Econs I know what to write lar! But they gave so little time for the essays. So I didn't manage to finish. Crazy, case study was rather short and they gave 1h 15mins. But essays are so long yet they gave only 45mins. Argh. I started on the second part when they said "You'hv less than 10mins left." :(
Physics was....HAiyz. Those consultation were wasted. The questions are of a different type of those I did in the the tutorials and assignment leh. Wah piang, fail again liao lar. But I manage to just pass I'll be super super super happy. Our physics tutor was being sacarstic with us again lar. Nevermind, used to it already.
Going shopping later and tomorrow. GST's increasing soon! Haha!
Monday, June 25, 2007
♥ exam
Woosh. 2 H2 papers are over already! Can die man. SIX hours of exams in a day. Geography and Mathematics.
I couldn't do more than 30 marks of the Math paper. :(
WhyWhyLove episode 4 is not uploaded on youtube yet. Sad. I wanna watch!
Tomorrow break. Weds Econs, Thurs Physics.
Friday shopping.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
♥ exams coming
Went to Chinatown yesterday to shop with mama. A miracle happened man. Mama bought me things without complaining here and there! Haha. Bought a top, jeans and a red belt. Oh, while I was looking throught the clothes in the shop, this person suddenly popped out from nowhere and scared me. Then I looked at her and only after like 1 second, OH SHARON! Haha! So qiao.
Oh yah yah, the big prawn noodles in Chinatown is super super super super nice!
Hmm, 3 more days to mid-year exams. So far, I only studied volcano readings, had 2 sessions of physics consultation and 4 lessons of math tuition. :( Still got alot of things to study leh. But I can't concentrate. I keep eating and eating. Haha! Can't control. Too much food at home liao. Going to exercise after exams. It's been more than a month since I do exercises before I go to bed. :(
Someone please throw away my tv, computer and food. I'll be grateful to you. But I'll kill you right away after the exams. Haha!!
Monday, June 18, 2007
♥ javin
I got a real shocked when Javin's out. I stunned for a few seconds lar. Can't believe it. He sings quite well! He can't be out lar. Haiyz, there's no point watching css le, since that NY guy's out. How I wish that our principal will mention him during assembly, so that the NYJCians can clap and cheer for him. It'll be such a touching and heart-warming sight to see man.
Friday, June 15, 2007
♥ pw meeting
Yingying and Qi Hui came over to my house this morning to do written report stuff. We spent only about 2 hours on it, and the stuff is mostly copied from our gpp. Haha. Oh, we did all our headings too. So not THAT bad lar. Haha. Then, lunch time. Mama called Qi Hui "ah boy" because she doesnt know his name. Haha! So Yingying and I kept calling him "ah boy" since then. Ha!
After lunch, it was playing time. We played Hotels. Ah boy had to keep selling his entrances and buildings and lands because he kept landing on Yingying's house and my house. Haha. It's been a super long time since I win so much money. Haha! Then we kept playing and playing until 3.30pm.
Argh, my shoulders are totally burnt man. VERY PAIN lar. Went swimming with Sharon and Sarah yesterday. Or rather, we were just talking in the water. Haha. Talked for 3 hours. Siao. Sharon is so happy that she finally became darker! Ha!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
♥ Sentosa 0735
Went to Sentosa with 0735 PAE this morning, and we headed to Palawan beach! We started off with playing volleyball. It's been like 2 years since I last played it, and I got my arms all aching and blue-black. First round, the girls won, and Harry had to go into the sea. [He's the one who came up with this forfeit. Haha] Then, we lost the second round and we were supposed to go into the sea too. But we managed to save ourselves by "cheating". LOL. We won the third round and all they guys had to go into the sea! Haha.

Soon. it began to rain. I LOVE THE RAIN AND THE SEA BREEZE!! IT WAS TOTALLY "I LOVE IT" Haha! We couldn't do anything else except building sandcastles!! It's the first time I dare to touch Singapore's sand. Haha.

We were all wet and dirty with sand. Oh, we had a sand war. Haha. It's the first time I get so wet and messy at Sentosa. Haha. After cleaning up a little, we had our lunch. Yeah I know I took super long to eat my chicken chop and drink. But don't jealous of my small mouth Juian. Haha!! Crapped a little and Juian, Li Qiao and Harry went to play water polo in the sea. The rest of us played poker cards.

Then, we crossed the bridge to that little island opposite, and took some pictures. I started to take some random pictures again.

It's bathing time! Lots of red patches appeared on my face. Argh. Then, we toured around on a tram. Soon, we went back to Vivocity, and I bought this white colour watch. Hey auntie! See who's money you're trying cheat yea? Kns, tried to sell me a spoilt watch. I went back to the shop 4 times to settle some business with the woman. Dirty strap, the time cannot be adjusted, the minute hand is loose, the battery totally went dead. CHEATER. She finally changed a new one for me at last. I will never ever step back into that shop again.
Dinner-ed at Kopitiam. FEAR FACTOR time man. I spent $3.50 eating plain rice with tasteless skinless chicken. SO YUCKY LAR. Lastly....we all went home. So tired man. I slept while watching TV.
[Those photos are taken from Juian's blog]
Saturday, June 09, 2007
♥ new specs
Just collected my new specs.
Friday, June 08, 2007
♥ dodo bdae present
Had tuition early in the morning at 9am, SUPPOSEDLY. But Stackie and Sarah were late for like say, 30 minutes or so? Haha. Then tuition tuition tuition.....
After they had left, Sarah called me to say that she left her calculator at my house and asked me to do down to pass it to her. So I went down and saw Sarah, and I turned and saw Lao Ma and Nan Xiao, and Stackie holding a bouquet of flowers. Gosh. I was quite shocked lar. I didn't expect them to give me present after like about 1 month. Haha. Then she said something to me. But I forgot what she said already. Coz she talked too soft. She handed me this pair of butterfly dangling earrings also.
Afterwhich, we went Hougang Mall to eat at Ajisen. The meat a bit hard hard one leh. Haha. Sarah kept complaining that I kept complaining about the food she recommends. Haha. Too bad. Oh, I won Sarah in the staring competition again!!! YES!! Haha, no surprise that I always win lar. Haha.
I want to cut my hair on Sunday!!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
♥ dye hair
I helped mama dyed her hair. Haha. She kept complaining I cant do it well. But in the end, HA! But that ammonia smell stinks like hell.
I ate my birthday cake today, on my chinese birthday. Haha. Didn't manage to celebrate on my ang moh birthday because papa wasn't around. Mama gave me a big ang bao. Haha.
I'm still waiting for the shopping trip next weds!
Oh, and the 0735 class gathering next tues at sentosa! Hmm, quite long never go sentosa to play le.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
♥ 4A2 pizza gathering
4A2 pizza gathering at Maplewood Park, opposite PL :) But only about half the class turned up. Yeah. First person I saw there was my partner. Haha! Aya, kind of miss the 2 of us sitting at the back of the class, talking and crapping and laughing when the teacher's talking. Haha!! more? eat talk talk take take pictures. Played alittle of basketball. My bball is damn dirty. Super dirty. Talked till 10+pm. Then went home. Oh, I learnt a little of bbox-ing from carian. Super a little. Yeah...just 3 types of noises. Haha. Who wants to listen? Haha!
The night's still young. Haha.
JERRY! Haha! I drew this. But Gretchen don't believe. Haha. Serious! I drew it :D
♥ hokkien youtube clips
Hey people...go watch these clips. SUPER SUPER FUNNY.
Fast and Furious Hokkien Drift
Hokkien LOTR
hokkien james bond
Monday, June 04, 2007
♥ new specs
I just went to make my new specs. Two hundred dollars. Haha. It's getting more and more expensive. My current specs is $188 and I find it quite expensive already. That uncle recommended me Miss Sixty specs which cost more than $300 for the frame alone. Crazy. My mama told him that he's teaching kids the bad things-learning to splurge. Haha. Oh, when I told him I cant see clearly with my current specs, he asked" See wad? cant see guys clearly ar?" I was like..huh? Haha.
Second week already!
Friday, June 01, 2007
♥ cover event
Gosh...covering event is so tiring. Keep looking through that view finder will turn me into a cock-eyed person. I don't want that :( Shall keep changing eyes when taking photos next time. The next day when I woke up, my eye was red lar. Don't know is it due to taking photos or playing too much computer games. Haha.
Starting to play neopets again recently. There's no other games to play!
1 week over le. 3 more weeks to mid year exams. Woots. Haven start a single thing yet. But nevermind. Haha. Hmm...have to find teacher on the 4th week to clear all my doubts on physics. JC physics is so different from Secondary physics lar. Oh, about my huamn geography test. Amazing that I failed only by 1 mark when I didnt answer even answer both of the short structured questions. Haha. But it's the first time I fail geography. Tsk Tsk. Cannot cannot. Like that my reputation gone liao. Shall go read those weird geography notes one day. I said that it's weird because some stuff doesn't seem to be relevant and it's so long-winded.
Took MRT to school today. It reminds me of the times when I had to rush with all the other office people to take the train during my working days. Haha.
Tuition this Sunday. I kind of miss math tuition. Stackie, remember to bring my beloved cd!