Monday, July 30, 2007
♥ thanksgiving, nlb

Went back to PL for thanksgiving. Had to wear all white. But lao ma wore her SA uniform instead. Got this "This bag belongs to a PL-lite. Class of 2006" tag. Quite cool. Only 7 people from 4A2 turned up :(
Afterwhich, we went to serangoon garden to have supper. Ordered stingray, satay, oyster egg and sugarcane drinks. That lao ma kept complaining that I walk like a penguin in heels. Eh, very hard to walk leh. Then I kept tugging her arms when running across the road. Coz I scared that I would fall. Haha. The scene quite funny lar.
Met up with my pw group. Went to nlb to search for EoM materials. The microfilms thingy quite fun leh. Looks like some pro searching for infomation. Haha!
Choing-ed econs assignment in library. Spent about 3-4 hours in discussion room 2. My hands totally freezed. So pain lar. GP was boring as usual. Did comprehension practice. I slept during the first 45 minutes. Haha. The comprehension was totally uncomprehensionable [if there's such word. haha]. I'm going to die in a real compreension test/exam.
Doing my physical geography essay now. Boo. Tired. My msn still having problem. :(
Thursday, July 26, 2007
♥ touching
Mr Yeo said something super touching today.
"We must all be promoted to J2 as a class. We musn't leave anyone behind. This is an agreement ok?"
So touching right? He said this because our class ranked the bottom 10. =[
Im super tired today. My eyes felt sore and tired. Haven been sleeping well for the past 3 weeks. It's been a busy week man. Im going to school early and going home late everyday. Even my weekends are used up for cca and tuition and other stuff. It's been a long long time since I sleep all the way till like 11am. =[ I'm tired.
Pl thanksgiving service tomorrow.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
♥ sandcastle
Woke up super early to build sand castles at East Coast. Sally longbang-ed my car.
After briefing and demostration, we started to build sand castles! It's those pro one lor. Those got stairs, walls, towers etc. Today, it's the official day that I dare to touch Singapore sand. Haha. Walked around bare footed. The sand damn nice. Soft soft one. I even dare to sit on the beach and place both my palms on the sand lar. This shows how nice the sand was. Haha. The sea damn nice also lar. Although it's dirty, it's very cooling. Yeah. Learnt how to build sand castle and stuff. But I see no link to leadership training stuff leh.
After some time, they said that time's up soon. But we like just started lar. Haven play enough yet. Very soon, it drizzled. Everyone was like oh no. But it soon stoppped. After a while, it rained again! After the thing, we needed to do some evaluation thingy. So every group sat in circles and do. But the atmosphere weird weird one. Coz everyone don't know each other. So very quiet and stuff. I don't like the atmosphere lar. After which, it's group lunch. Ok lar. The atmosphere still ok.
I kind of love the sand there. It's nice. If there's a chance, I think I'll go back there to build my own sandcastle with those tools. Quite fun.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
♥ cca outing
Got up super early this morning and went to City Hall to meet the cca people for photo shooting. We went to Mica Building and Clark Quay. That idiotic sister Leon kept irritating me with what Pat Mok thingy. So I kept giving him my stares. Ha. They say when I don't smile I look very fierce and diao. Haha!
After the shooting, we all went for lunch at Macs. James was being a paparazzi and kept shooting non-stop, Shin Wei especially. Haha. Was super hungry during the shooting lar. I felt as though I'hv not eaten for 2 days.
Damn full now. After eating SiQi's birthday cake.....
Saturday, July 14, 2007
♥ cca farewell
Met Shin Wei and Steven at AMK Hub to do shopping for the bbq stuff. Over budget. Ha. Then Yudhi came later. Shin Wei's papa drove us to James house.
Then we prepare all the food and stuff. I fried some bee hoon. Need alot of arm power to fry lar. The chicken wings so disgusting to touch also. Then Yudhi showed us some poker magic tricks. Not bad lar. Haha. Then played dai di. After crapping a while at the bar table, we went to the bbq pit. My shorts almost got burnt lar. It's so hot beside the pit. The chicken pie was damn nice. But the chicken wings not very nice leh. I ate 1 wing and 2 sausages only. Plus lots of water. Super hot there, so went up to play pool with the rest.
It's so fun playing pool without time limit. We all crapped and laughed alot. Then that stupid birdy kept calling me the freeballer. Coz I always miss hitting the ball and the opponent gets a free ball. :( But it's very fun lar, until the J2s came. They were so damn pro lar. Especially Jeremy and Zhi Kai. I paired up with Zhi Kai adn in the end, I scored 1 ball only. Haha. He scored the rest. Then whenever he asked me aim here, I'll hit in the other direction. Haha. So maluated.
Oh, then Birdy and Jeremy tried to teach me bridge. But they explain so many times I still duno lar. In the end when huiyen explained to me, then I roughly get it. Haha. So complicated lar. Suddenly, I heard a loud noise. Someone broke the cue. So suay. Then I gave out the collar pins to everyone.
Waited at James house for 15 mins for papa. Everyone left long ago already lar. ARgh, tomorrow morning still need to go city hall at 7.45am to do some photo shooting.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
♥ results
Haiyz. Failed Mid-years like crazy. So far, I only passed my physics-46. I failed my geography lar. Damn disappointed. "I was taken aback by your results. I expect a higher mark from you. You should have done miles better." That's roughly what Mr Yeo wrote on my script. Haiyz. GP failed. Math failed. They still refuse to give us back our Econs paper. But I will confirm fail that too coz I didn't manage to complete it. Argh.
Sian. Promos will be a choing thing for me liao. I don't wanna retain :(
Anyway, went for a night shooting at Merlion park last night. IT WAS DAMN NICE. The merlion looks super magical at that golden timing. I was like WOW when i saw the pic on the viewfinder. It's so nice that I can't believe that it's Singapore. Gosh. I didn't know that Singapore has such a beautiful night scenery. The bridge looks damn nice just before the sky turned completely dark. It's like those picutures you see on postcards. It's really super nice. Such a pity that I didn't bring my slr. There's another photo shooting outing this Sunday. Shall pursuade my pa to let my bring the slr. I wanna go to merlion park to take that magical shot again. Haha.
Then, a tourist came up to ask me take a pic of them with the merlion. But, the people were bright and the merlion was very dark. Then I felt so guilty. Haha. So I quickly walked away after telling them. Haha.
PW is getting nowhere. Went to find Mr Loke regarding our proposal. He said that students will get bored by the programme. So he suggested doing amazing race sort of stuff. Then we presented the idea to Mr Yeo. But he sounded so unconvinced by the idea. Haiyz.
Friday, July 06, 2007
♥ results
Just passed my physics and failed my mathematics. Well, at least I improved on my physics. For math, leave it to fate and future hard work. Haha. The rest of the papers are not back yet.
Went back to school today for PW from 9-11. But I reached at 7.30. Kept bothering Dosy to do my survey. Haha. Printed out the survey forms and went around the school to ask tutors to help us do.
We have a profile demographic in our survey. When I went to ask Mr Tay, he ticked the less than 21 years old box. Oh gosh. I asked him why. He said that he's 18 everyday. -_- Also, he intially ticked 'no' for the purchase of stamps at $4.80. I asked why. He said, 50 cents+75 cents+$1+$2 doesnt give him $4.80. -_- Total joker. Haha!
After PW, went to Sally's house to watch Huan Huan Ai. Kind of fell asleep halfway. It's not because that the show's boring. It's just that I was too tired. Then I borrowed Sally's sticker to draw something. She asked me help her draw Eeyore also. Wait 3 more months lar. Haha.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
♥ last day
Must go back to school for lessons tomorrow. I'm still not satisfied with my long break yet leh. [From last Friday to today] Boooooooooo....No mood to sleep now. Just feel like staying up till super late. Haiyz.
I'm going to die from over-sneezing soon. Argh.
Went to Bugis with Pa and Ma just now. Bought a silver handbag. I told Papa that that would be the last thing I'm gonna buy. Coz I spent a little too much during this holiday. Actually Ok leh...not a lot. Less than $200. First time I spend so much. LoL.
Sian sian!!!!!! PW tomorrow. Sian dao yao si.
Monday, July 02, 2007
♥ dodos @ pl guzheng concert
Went Bugis with Dosy and Stackie last Saturday to do shopping. Bought this outgear sling bag and a pair of shorts. The bag is quite big. Haha. But I like the design and colour leh. Dosy kept saying I look small in that bag bad. Haha. So we spent a long time infront of the mirror to see the bigger bag nicer or the smaller bag nicer. If the smaller one comes in black and grey, I think I might go for the smaller one ba.
Anyway, we went PL guzheng concert later in the evening. We were almost ate coz we bought bubble tea to smuggle into the concert hall. Haha.