Tuesday, October 30, 2007
♥ poker
Had a super fun time "doing our op" the past 2 days. They were the best op meetings throughout the whole year lar. Haha. We even influenced people from other groups to play with us in the end. Haha.
Today best. We totally had a "class chalet gathering". All the games and food and music. Haha. Totally no pw until afternoon.
Got 2 people birthday today.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOSY!!!HAPPY BIRHTDAY YUDHI!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
♥ archery
Went for Archery this morning. My papa's company organised de. The sun was damn scorching. I think I'm a little sunburnt. There was this team competition.

My papa, who hits bullseye like 90% of the time.

My brother, who hits bullseye 70% of the time.

Last but not least, me, who hits bullseye 40% of the time. lol. My posture looks very pro right? But I think that the BobDog shirt spoils everything. Haha.

Our team's scoreboard. Mostly yellow. We won the champion for the team's catagory.

And that's our prize!
3 teddy bears.
Overall, it's quite fun.
Just 1 question. Why is it called bullseye but not frogseye or humaneye?
Saturday, October 27, 2007
They looked damn funny while walking. They just finished their 72km walk. Then most of them walked like penguins after that. Imagine seeing so many "penguins" walking together.
Was reading Dosy's blog just now. Saw those pictures she took while we made cookies for Stackie's birthday. Very funny.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STACKIE! Oh, then I remembered that I was watching Tom and Jerry together with Dosy. I was so familiar with the cartoon to the extent such that I could tell her what's going to happen next. Throughout, I was laughing myself at the cartoon, and Dosy was laughing at me for laughing at such childish things. lol. You duno how to appreciate lar. Haha.
Going for archery tomorrow. Hope that it would be fun.
I still haven go running yet!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
♥ 72km
Practiced OP again in the afternoon. We imitated him. Damn hilarious. Made my group member kept repeating his first 2 lines. lol. While having fun halfway, he and the other group came in.
This time, the OP was much better. But he still found a lot faults in it. Bleah.
Rushed home. But my brother said that his thing was changed to 8pm instead. Funny right? I don't talk to him but I still go to his army events and stuff.
Reached East Coast at 8pm. He was having his 1 hour break for his 72km walk event. So far he had only walked for 4 hours. They need to walk until about 4pm tomorrow ba. Ha. Poor thing. I will die on the spot if I were them. They totally stink like hell. Their sweat smell like some metal lar. Their rifles or whatever look like toy guns too. Haha.
There's another OP dry run tomorrow. Sian. Going to have the Q&A session.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
♥ complain
Argh...I feel that he's a little biased against my pw group.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
♥ promoted
I think the school moderated our marks A LOT. For instance, my econs. I failed everything but they moderated to let me have a 45 mark pass. So I cleared everything. But something I wasn't very happy about was that I got a B for physics for promos, but I ended up having a D overall. Argh. Wasted.
Went to Seoul Garden at Ngee Ann City after that. Ate like madness for more than 2 hours. I almost died while eating the ice cream at the end. Haha. We had a snow mountain design competition, and the winner gets to keep the 25 cents change. Of course I won. LOL.
Walked around Taka and Far East. Legs damn tiring.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
♥ stackie's cookies
Went to Sarah's house on Monday to bake cookies for our beloved Stackie. Haha.
At the beginning, everyone were mixing and shaping and stuff. Then, gradually, laoma was left to do all those by herself while the rest of us were watching vcds. Haha. Poor her.
After lunch, everyone just slacked on the sofa while watching vcds. Crapping, laughing....very fun.
Just now, Stackie complained that she lao sai after eating those cookies. Lol.
Went for Canon Photomarathon yesterday. 9 hours. Walked around suntec, raffles, bugis and then botannic garden. My legs were damn damn tired.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
♥ stupid dosy and stackie
AHH~!~Stupid bendan dosy and stackie hacked into my account and posted that previous post!!! NOT FAIR!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
just want to say that...
and i loove winnie the pear. :))
Friday, October 12, 2007
♥ results, open house
Received back results this morning.
Geog-Pass. But I duno what's my actual marks.
I hope my math overall can pass. Then I can get promoted.
Physics was my most satisfied subject. I got a B grade, together with Erica, for this promos. So, when Mr Tay called my name, I said LOUDLY to him "ling yan xiang kan hor?!" which means you'll view my results differently from now onwards right? He always suan and criticizes our results. So this time, I proved him WRONG! I said all these super loudly to him infront of the hall. Then Erica and I hi-fived damn loudly infront of him and we walked off.
HAHA! Always look down on our physics. CHEY. All the consultations and tutorials paid off.
Gave Sally her present and birthday card. The cover page was an Eeyore which I drew and painted. They all said very nice. LOL. Of course mah, must see who's the artist. HAHA. I shall post all the birthday cards I make on my blog someday. Haha.
After that was open house. I has this I Love NY tattoo on my hand. I like it alot. Then quite slack during the open house lar. Went around taking some photos, then sat at the booth sometimes. Finale was mass dance. I only remembered a bit of the overprotected dance. The other 2 I totally forgot le.
After that, went to AMK Hub with Dosy and Nanxiao. Wanted to buy present initially, but failed. Always like that one. Haha.
Super super tired. Tmr still have to go to school for PW.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
♥ stackie
STACKIE, why you cannot come tomorrow to NY's Open House?! I DAMN SAD LAR. You make me so sad. MUST TREAT ME TO HIGH CLASS RESTAURANT!! I don't care! Hahaha.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I'm bored! There's nothing to do!
Watched 9 vcds just now. My eyes are damn tired now.
Friday, October 05, 2007
♥ after promos!
My current wish:
Some interesting have happened the past few days. But I lazy to talk about the details. Haha.
Had human geography paper this morning. This is the first time in my JC life that I smiled after doing one paper. It's manageable.
Went to TJC open house with Dosy in the afternoon. Abit sian. Nanxiao was saying that their mass dances are very nice. NY's nicer leh!! Haha!! Saw some primary school friends. After staying for more than 2 hours, we went Bugis for dinner.
The journey was super super super funny lar. I laughed until my cheeks damn pain. Haha. Ahhhh....I miss those childish days in secondary whenever with the dodos. Haha. Oh, my pasta was FULL of black pepper! I had to pick up one by one lar.....very troublesome. Haiyz. Didn't know that their pasta got black pepper one. Oh, I almost chocked to death when eating the sotong. The whole thing just slide down my throat and I almost couldn't breathe lar!
Went around looking for presents to buy. Then we saw my civics tutor, and he reminded me about PW again. Argh.
My legs and back are super super tired now. Must be that I never shop for too long. Then today's shopping is considered as vigorous exercise. Haha.