Thursday, November 29, 2007
♥ book
Eh, I just read 1 paragraph and my eyes start to wander off to other places which are "non-books" areas. Haha. I think I better go and sleep to kill my boredom.
♥ bored
I'm so bored that I'm actually reading a book! "A Short History of Nearly Everything" Can you believe it? Me reading a book. You must imagine lar....although it's hard I know.
Throughout my years in secondary school's reading programme period, the only book I read was "The Outsiders". I kept reading the first 2 pages because I always read 1 paragraph and I'll start to doze off. Haha. Then the next day, I'll re-read the book again.
Going out with Stackie and Sarah tmr, and maybe Laoma too.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
♥ science focus
We just spent $20 to travel ALL THE WAY to NUS to sleep. Went for the Science Focus with Erica. All the lectures are boring lor...only the forensic one is interesting. But I slept throught the rest. Plus the long journey makes us super duper tired a the start of the day. So today, I brought my tuition stuff to go there and copy. If not I would just waste more of my time. Lucky tmr is the last day.
Been eating western food the past few days. Chicken cutlet, spagetti with meatballs, fish and chips, cream of mushroom.....The food at the science faculty there not bad. The portion is so big that I felt like vomitting after eating everything. Haha. Shall try the food at the school of computing tmr.
Just did my own nails. I love bling bling nails. Haha.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
♥ minds
0729 class outing today. Went to MindCafe. $20 for 3 hours of boardgaming, main course, a drink, and brownies. They have almost all sorts of board games. We plaed a variety. Then there was this animal game which I shouted too loud and poor CaiPing had to suffer. Coz she's sitting beside me. Haha.
The kiwi float is damn nice.

Mushi is the only guy who turned up. Haha.
The brownies quite nice. But after I ate half of it...I felt like vomitting. Haha.
After which, we took a stroll along Singapore River.

Thursday, November 15, 2007
♥ Sunset
Went to Punggol Beach yesterday to do some sunset shooting. Reached at around 4pm. Did some shooting...

Then, there was nothing else to do. So, while waiting for the sun to set, I played poker cards with Yudhi, Yanchao and Birdy. As usual, Yudhi was being funny with his sissy actions and all his 'catching girls phrases'. They were all damn disgusting and funny. Haha. Then as usual, Yanchao was being irritating. He pulled my ponytail and I shouted damn loudly at him and gave a hard slap on his shoulders. 1 of the girls thought that it's a guy who shouted. Haha. Oh, by the way, we played poker cards about 20m away from the police post. Haha.
After a few rounds, the sun started to set. We went to the tiny jetty there to take some shots... The sunset was super to the power of infinity beautiful!!!

Tried to take a group photo there. But we caused a lot of disturbance to some of the people who were fishing there. I think they were a little buay song. That Steven made my camera topple while trying to do the settings Lucky it didn't drop to the floor. But my heart skipped a beat. Haha.

It was quite fun there. But I think my skin is allergic to the sea water. My face was super itchy and red when I got home. The same thing happened when I went to Sentosa that time too.
Check out for more photos at
Monday, November 12, 2007
♥ central
Went to Central @ Clark Quay with Cai Ping and Erica today after school. Erica showed us the super nice cupcakes. But it's ex lar. $3.50 or 1 cupcake that's about the size of half of your palm.
Afterwhich, we walked to outram. Nothing much there also. But I bought a nail art sticker and nail filer both at $3 only. Quite cheap. CP cut her hair. I asked her to keep her sideburns and spike a little bit leh. It's nicer. But I just read her blog she say she don't want. Haha.
Damn tired. Erica can't really control her head while sleeping on the mrt. She was like nodding and nodding. She thought I didn't see. LoL.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
♥ swimming
Swimming really improves stamina.
I swam 2 laps only and I felt like dying. Swam a total of 15 laps.
I swam 2 laps and I'm still in a okay condition. Swam a total of 20 laps in an hour. Of course got rest a bit in between.
I think my muscles are going to ache tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
♥ erica's card
Gave Erica the birthday card today. Initially, I forgot about it last night and slept through...until about 10pm then I woke up and make.

Some of them got a shocked when they saw this card. They can't believe that I drew this bear. Haha. Of course I copied this picture from another place. But I swear I didn't trace ar. Haha.

Erica liked this part. She said that my card looks pro. LoL. You must see who do one mah. Haha.

I was bored during econs lecture and thus I drew this Jerry from my file.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
♥ him
Gretchen told me some "shocking" news today. I rather she didn't tell me about it. I've like kind of forgotten about it somewhat already...but now...
when...? haiyz.
Walked around Hougang Mall today after school to buy some stuff. I'll be super busy again tonight to do some stuff. Luckily there's only 1 left for this year.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
♥ laoma's bdae
Just came back from Laoma's and Stackie's birthday celebration at Hougang Mall.
Went to print out the photos first...then we cut cut paste paste...and we made a photo album with all the photos of us, and we put all her photos in a ferris wheel photo frame. Damn funny. Because we tricked Laoma that we're celebrating Dosy's and Stackie's birthday, so we started off by singing the song to Stackie. Then we gave her card, a biscuit keychain and ear studs.
Afterwhich, we sang another birthday song, and Laoma thought it was for Dosy. But it's not! It's for herself! Haha. Then we gve her the photo frame with her unglam faces.
Her reaction after seeing the most unglam photo of hers. LOL. I have some unglam videos of her too. Will show it on her 21st birthday 4 years down the road. Haha.
The ferris wheel photo fram!! With her photos. [Pay attention to the purple one] LOL.
She's reading the "album" we made her.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAOMA!!! Although it's like 10 days late. Haha.
Laoma suggested to go play pool after that. But too bad Stackie had to leave first. I was making stupid errors while playing pool again. Then Laoma cannot tahan sometimes. Haha. Don't care her. Haha. Actually nothing much happen there. Took some pictures, but my hp's cable doesnt allow me to transfer the pics. So.....:(
Let's go Kbox someday Dodos!
Friday, November 02, 2007
♥ op
Finished our oral presentation today. FINALLY. My heart was pumping damn fast while waiting for my turn to speak. The whole thing turned out quite well. The Q&A for our group was quite expected as well. So overall I think our group did not bad. Haha.
After that, rushed down to Orchard to meet the dodos. Our first stop was Taka and I bought this Tom and Jerry file at $1.70. Very cute. The huge screen at Taka Square was screening Tom and Jerry too! I think I like it alot after watching it at Sarah's house. Haha.
Shopped around Cine. Bought something at Mini Toons.
Then, we went to Starbucks. To celebrate Dosy's birthday. Firstly, the 4 of us sent her sms at the same time. Next, we gave her a wallet. After some crapping, we gave her my bottle and Stackie's bottle, and the real bottle she wanted very much which has these wordings: "I'm a Slacker!" Last but not least, we wrote her a card on a postcard we took from cine just now. Haha.
On our way to the mrt, we just talked and crapped and laughed. With the dodos, I always can laugh until my legs become weak, and my cheeks ache one. Then they all copy me say niao-pok! You all niao-pok! Haha. Today quite fun. Stackie is getting more lamer and lamer and ....i duno what word to use to describe her. haha. She is cannot-be-described. Haha.