Monday, March 31, 2008
♥ block test results
"Wan Ling, sit at the front row from today onwards." I knew my GP must have failed when my GP tutor said this. Haiyz. Damn sad throughout the whole tutorial. Received paper 1 back at the end of the tutorial. She gave me this comment " Wan Ling, if you want to pass what you need to do at least is to
stay awake during tutorials!" I seldom sleep during her lessons lar. I think it's because I wrote " a large extent." She said before that it is not allowed in essays. But I'm used to writing it le leh.
Physical geog lecture. Received back our papers. Failed again. Argh. I studied very hard for geography lor. Haiyz. Hope that the other section of the paper can save me. I'll know the results tomorrow. Pray hard man.
Math isn't any better. My heart was pumping like madness when I received my paper. Categorised into the U1 lecture group. My math tutor said that our batch broke the Nanyang's history, having half of the cohort failing math.
While walking towards HM, this woman asked me for donations. But I just walked away. Then I heard her saying some bad stuff. IDIOT. As if it's compulsory for me to donate. As if my day isn't bad enough.
Friends, if you see me slacking, please urged me to study.
No matter what, I'm not going back to J1, neither am I going to Poly. No No.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
♥ sports carnival
Sports carnival early in the morning at 7.30am alllllll the way at bukit timah.
Many ponned. So total only had 6 pple playing for frisbee and touch rugby combined. Haha. Touch rugby opponnent didnt turn up. So our class won. Haha. Frisbee quite fun. But we lost by a few points. The sun damn scorching lar. Had a little sunburn.
After which, Dosy and I went to Sarah's ACJC funfair. Not very fun tough. Haha. Some of the food there quite nice. Sarah's mum bought $100 tickets for us. Then after a long long time, the rest of the dodos came. After eating some stuff, we went to queue up for Sarah's haunted house. The queue was damn long and it was not moving at all! The place was damn hot and stuffy too. Almost had heatstroke sia. When I looked into the mirror, I got a shock man. My face and lips were red like maddness, total madness. LOOK.

After going through all these nonsense, we found out that we were at the wrong queue. !!!!!. So we went to spend those money at food and games instead.First time I felt so rich. Kept spending the money like nobody's business. Haha. Took some photos. Then went home.
School starts tmr. SIAN.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
♥ lifes great
The breeze, the sound of water, the stars, and the moon. So relaxing man. Life's quite good actually, sometimes.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
♥ seletar
Went to Seletar with Papa to take photos.
Then my papa left me at some place while he went to take photos alone. So, I was standing there alone, with this feeling that the place's haunted. Haha. Quite scary.
There were some street names which are quite funny, or rather weird.
Oh, then there was this signboard which reads "CASUALTY CLEARANCE STATION(CSC)". Wonder what's that. Sounds scary.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
♥ block test over
Physics quite easy today. Haha. Finally 1 ok paper.
Block tests are over. My March holidays officially start next week. :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
♥ block test
Block test? I think they should re-name it to "Who wants to be a genius-aire exam"
It's so tough lar. Much much much harder than promos lar. Still call it a test. It's exam format leh. The only thing true about "block test" is that it really comes in "block" lar.
Within 2 days, I finished my GP and 3 H2 papers le. I'm left with H1 physics on Thurs. It's my only chance left to secure my place in J2.
GP is still manageable. Econs 80% can't pass. Math confirm fail. If I get more than 45 marks, I'll treat everyone drinks and meals and anything. Geog, I hope can pass. But I totally left out 2 5-marks question. Urban geog damn hard leh. Esp what hierachy and stuff. Argh.
1 whole week of holiday for me next week. Yay.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
♥ mug
Had been mugging geog since sat. But i'hv only finishing physical geog soon. Last 10 pages to go. Mr Ng's notes can really read till you die man. Hope to finish human by tmr morning. But it kept raining lar. Can't go to the pool to study. That stupid TV is distracting me, ALWAYS.
Then by friday i must finish math. Then start econs on sat.
But it's super unlikely to finish leh.
Must start praying to all the various gods liao.
Monday, March 10, 2008
♥ rugby match
Went back to school int he morning to mug. Erica came a little while later. Had free Nasi Lemak for lunch coz the school got lots of leftovers. Sally came at around 2pm with tao huay and doughnuts! Haha.
Mug for quite some time then no mood to mug le. Tried out the tele thingy. I could capture a person's full face 3 storeys away lar. So amazing. Haha.
Helped Yudhi take all his zilian photos during the match. Eh, I think you no need to treat me le. Got lots of blur photos. Haha. No tripod lar.
Rugby is a damn violent sports. Many got injured. Dislocated finger, tooth dropped, eyelid cut,...just to name a few. There was this guy...half of his face was filled with blood lar. Coz he kana a deep cut at his eyelid, by a tooth. That's what I heard lar. A few minutes later, his teammate kana the same thing. Suay man. both went to hospital for stiches halfway.
Im going to mug again finish the volcano thing. ARGH.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
♥ they didnt know what they're getting into
"Let them be happy for a while, they didn't know what they are getting into."
This is what our econs tutor said when the J1 orientation was going on, quite high, and at the same time, we were struggling with our econs work.