Thursday, May 29, 2008
♥ australia
I'll be flying to Australia in last than 4 hours...:)
Will be back on the night of 4th June...
Dodos, I'll settle the tuition stuff when I come back ok? Or you all can settle it among yourself then tell me also ok. Haha.
Friday, May 23, 2008
♥ GP exam
GP mid year exam this morning. SIAN. I can't finish doing AGAIN.
Was feeling damn tired after the paper 2. Went to Bugis with them...went OG to look for sunglasses to wear on the bus during the Australia trip. But then, all wear liao very weird. The salesgirl very pek chek with us. Then, my head started to spin...
Maddness, walk a bit here and there and felt and vomitting. But nothing came out when I went to the toilet. Oh, when I was trying to vomit, te woman in the next cubicle kept farting. Damn it. Haha.
After that, I went home myself first. When I was about to step into the train, I felt like vomitting again. So I rushed all the way out to find the toilet. In the end nothing came out agian. Sian. Decided to take cab instead.
I was about to close my eyes and rest when the driver started talking to me. From Bugis ALL THE WAY home. SIAN. Couldn't rest at all. He kept talking about "taxi drivers topics". Lucky I got a bit of general knowledge so I stil can communicate with him. Haha.
Stackie's CO concert tmr. SIAN. lol.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
♥ chocolates
All those chocolates are making my pimples re-surface. SIAN.
I used to laugh at Erica at her pikachu pimples. Now its my turn, but lucky 1 side only. Haha.
Friday, May 16, 2008
♥ my 18th birthday
Yay, thanks Photog for the cake yesterday! You guys rock.

Celebrated together with Tsu Hui.

Shake hand ceremony. Haha.

Thanks Yee Teng and Hui Si for this cute thing! It's a photo album! Haha. Shall develop all the 0729 photos next time and put it inside.

Thanks Stella for your MEN'S BITTER CHOCOLATE sticks. Haha. She gave me a Men's Hug. Haha.

Thanks Gretchen, Sally, Cai Ping, Claudia and Erica for your present! ( Though I got like 5 boxes of Refresh at home, haha) I seriously thought that box of refresh was for Sally. Haha! You all creative man, write the notes in the box. Haha!

Thanks 0729 for the card! Haha. I like it. When I saw my mama reading it, I faster went to bathe, to save explaination for some the the a-hem comments.

Last but not least, Thanks loads DODOS, you guys rock like madness. Dosy called me down to the grandstand. When I reached, Stackie suddenly popped out from nowhere and surprised me lar! I got a shock! She came all the way from TJ to Ny just to celebrate my birthday. Haha. QAD rocks. No wonder I was wondering why Stackie never sms me in the morning. :( Haha! Dosy rocks too for buying me the strawberry thingy when I said I wanted it. Haha. NanXiao Sarah and LaoMa rock too! Thanks for the PILE of tissue papers huh. Haha. I love the box. I can really feel the sincerity!!! Haha. And I feel damn honoured too. Coz this is the first time dodos give present on time. Haha.

I want to thank everyone who sent me messages too. You all really brighten up my day and I really had a wonderful day today. :D
When I entered the LT for the briefing, Mr Yeo was like "Oh, you came...Happy Birthday!" Haha. So nice of him. Oh, and Mr Ng told us a joke today. Why can't FedEx and Ups merge??
(Coz if the merge, they get FEDUP with with other. HAHA)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
♥ photos
Shall upload some night cycling photos.
At Mt Faber...


Be Yourself Day. 0729 wore our secondary school uniform. I miss wearing PL pinafore.

Mushi caused a lot of chaos. Haha.

5 items during PE. I tried SBJ for about 6 times, but still can't hit 172cm. Then the teacher say cannot try le. But I seriously wanted my Gold. So I begged him for last try. I jumped 180cm. Haha. And the teacher was damn shocked and his eyes opened damn big. Haha. The power of last try.
After that, amazing race at orchard. Totally ran like maddness up and down orchard road. Far East, Tangs, Wisma, Taka, Paragon, Wheelock...Chiong like madness. Was leading initially. But then got 5th in the end. Not very shuang. Haha.

Went for Sarah's guitar concert this evening. Her dodo school is so super far and ulu. We were late. So had to run from the mrt to ACJC. I was wearing heels and skirt the end all the blisters come out. Sian.
Was talking most of the time during the concert, rather then appreciating the music. Haha. Very fun talking to dodos, although our topics are usually bo liao and have no logic.

Stackie's CO concert is in 2 weeks' time. SIAN. Must waste money again. SPONSOR leh stackie!
Sunday, May 04, 2008
♥ night cycling
Night cycling 2008.
Started off at around 11pm from NYJC. First time I spent my night outside awake man. Bypassed a lot of places...There was this junction whereby some of us chiong passed the red light and the cars hornked like maddness. Haha.
The slope up to Mt Faber is superly horribly disgusting. I cycled for about 100m upslope only and I gave up. Haha. Rested at the peak. Played some games. I didn't know I got hidden talent. I played the game whereby i put the potato chip on my forehead and I must keep twitching my face to eat it. Seven within 1 or 2mins. Haha.
Something shocking happened there. Coz I actually just lied on ground and looked at the stars within caring if the ground was dirty or not. Haha. The stars there are damn alot alot alot!
Went downslope...then everytime I saw an upslope, i'll arghhh. Unknowingly, the sky turned bright. Saw a squashed rabbit with its organs all flowing out. Gross. Reached East Coast at around 7.15am.
Actually the whole thing is ok, just that the upslopes are disgusting.
It was really an experience though.