Tuesday, September 30, 2008
♥ past photos
I was looking through my past photos and I realised that my face has steadily becoming rounder and fatter. Lol. Especially during the 2 years in JC. Okay. I know what to do after A's. But there's still another 1.5 months to go. Sian. Oh, my pimples too. I used to have a clear T-zone and pimpleless face. That's why I sometimes laugh at people's pimples. Haha. Now it's my turn to get laughed at. Erica said that my forehead pimples follow a *systematic error. .....Tsktsk.
*systematic error causes a set of measurements done under the same condition to spread about a true other than the 'true' value.
Oh, and I realised that the dodos changed alot in our appearances during these 6years. I have all of your unglam photos. Lol. Shall post 'before(2003)' and 'after(2008)' photos after A's. Lol. Should be quite fun. Haha.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
♥ prelims
WORST EVER RESULTS in my 12 years of education. All Us & S-es.
But at least, it FINALLY made me study HARD.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
♥ Spore
Addicted to this game called
Spore. It's not super super fun, but it's highly addictive. Played for many hours yesterday and I think my eyes are getting sore soon. Haha.
Friday, September 19, 2008
♥ swimming
Sisi came over for a swim today. Yee Teng couldn't come coz she's sick. Eh, swim a total of 18 laps. But my papa said that it was useless coz it wasn't continuous. Bleh. Anyway, I ate chicken rice and sushi after that. So it was definitely useless. Haha.
Eh, when shall I start mugging again?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
♥ fish n co
Mr Tay gave me this damn dissappointed look when he told me about my physics paper 2 results. :( Expected. I think he got high expectations of me because of last year's promos. I did quite well. But that's because I put in like 80% effort. But this time round, I put in like less than 40%. Coz seriously, econs and geog take up alot alot alot of my studying time. Boo. Gonna chiong hard. A's coming in 5 weeks.
Anyway, went to eat at Fish n Co. with Sally they all. Eh, wanted to celebrate Claudia's birthday, which is in 2 days time, but then never really do much there. My compact camera is LOUSY...the quality is bad without flash. Next year buy new one. This fish is so super oily that I felt like giving up eating halfway and I tried dapping the tissue paper on the fish to suck up the oil. IT'S A HELL LOT.

Sally don't really like to take photos. Haha.
Oh yah, that's Claudia. Haha. With her greedy look. Then we went to PS. Bought her her favourite Rilakkuma (which I call kukumalu. haha.) as present. The thing can walk lar. Very cute. Can act as massager also. Too bad I didn't take photo of it.
Hui Si and Yee Teng are coming over for a swim tomorrow. :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
♥ lost phone
I found out that I lost my phone just before I was about to take my math paper on Monday. Was super anxious during that 3 hour paper, thinking how horribly I'll die if I really lose my phone. After the paper, I chiong to find my phone. Then when I went to GO to ask about my phone, the lady opened the drawer and I saw my black pouch and WOO, heng man. She said that the school attendant found it on the toilet floor. The problem is, I don't even remeber bringing it to the toilet lar. Don't know got urine stain not. Haha. But I still changed the pouch in case. Haha. But strangely, I was able to do my math quite quickly, maybe coz I was anxious and stuff. Haha.
Human geog paper today was quite a disaster. Didn't finish studying last night. Imagine studying 2 content heavy subjects in a week, you'll die man. Furthermore, it's really a disaster to read Mr Ng's notes. They are like so, argh. Long winded and boring. At least Mr Yeo's notes are properly classified and got pictures and stuff, and nicer fonts. I did one of the essay question wrongly. And seriously, I can't do globalisation.
Finally booked the chalet for our class. Yay. Hope A's faster end.

I want to buy either one of the above model cars after A's. The yellow one looks nicer hor? But the review said that it's harder to build leh. Any sponsors? Haha.
Friday, September 12, 2008
♥ physics
Physics P2 today was...I don't know. Izzit that I didn't study enough or izzit that the paper was too tough? Able to finish the paper + go toilet because I skipped many questions. Haha.
Sian sian. Another week to go.
This time round the exam period seems to be very longggggg......
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
♥ prelims
3 days of prelims have passed and i'm damn exhuasted now. Had less that 6 hours of sleep the last few days. This morning, I had a bad headache and felt super giddy. I couldn't find my medicine and i got so fustrated and stressed up that I teared in the lift. Lol. But luckily for Geog paper today, those questions I spotted came out. Consulting Mr Yeo is very good. He will give hints one. "have you studied this reading? Must study ar." Then this afternoon about an hour before the paper started, I recalled that he asked me to study this mass movement debris flow reading. Then, wooo...it came out. Then for the other question I think almost everyone just vomitted out that guy's sample essay. Haha.
Going to start a bit of physics tonight.
I want to do a lot of things after A's! Just 2 more months. I hope I can survive.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
♥ mugging
Mugging is totally not interesting. Those adults say that working is more tiring. But I feel that working in DKKT is much more interesting coz I can see those old bimbos trying to fit into kids szie shirt when they are over-aged and over-sized. Lol. Then when we don't let them try, they run to the bra section to try out...then kana caught by us. lol