Tuesday, October 28, 2008
♥ mugging
Mugging is so tiring. I swear that I'hv never mugged so hard in my entire life before. Sian. But the geog stuff are like ENDLESS. Forever can't finish studying Geog. Sian Sian.
Yesterday, when studying, I could totally imagine myself in Sentosa playing. Lol. The picture is vivid man.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
♥ short fringe
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
♥ stupid girl
This idiotic girl really pissed me off this morning. I was sitting at the round tables outside the staffroom with the dodos. Then, some papers from the next paper flew away, and 1 even flew downstairs. So I hurried and picked up those on the floor, and even told her nicely that 1 of the paper flew downstairs.
Guess what was her response? She just sat down there and looked back at me. HELLO?! Your friend's papers are flying away and you don't even bother to help him pick it up? What kind of friend are you?! And NOT even a thank you from you after I helped you pick it up when it wasn't even my duty to do so?! Can you just bang your head on the wall?!
What the hell lar! Furthermore, she didn't even tell her friend that his papers flew down when her friend came back. The irony is that when I overheard their conversation, they were chatting like very good friends. What's wrong with her brains lar?! I bet 1 whole year of her constipated shit is stuck in her brains so much so that her don't even know what friendship is. On 1 hand, she's talking so nicely to him, and on the other, you don't even bother to tell him that his things are gone.
I hate this kind of people most. 2-faced.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
♥ gst in hawker centre
Have you never heard of GST being collected in coffee shop?
Last night, I ordered horfan and hongkong noodles from the stall. When they collected the money, I was thinking why was it more expensive than usual. So we asked the woman why and she said it's due to GST. My immediate respond was "HUH?! GOT GST?!"
Another customer couldn't believe it either. GST in coffee shop!!! BOYCOTT that stall from now on. It's in Punggol. Don't know the exact address. It's the non-aircon Kopitiam near to a supermart
Ang Mo.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sally's birthday today!!

She looks so happy. Haha.
Then, we started the cake smashing game. We didn't really smash lar. We just put cream on people's face. Sally started off by "creaming" don't know who. Forgot already.

Then, I "creamed" Sally and made her drop her cake on the floor. Lol. Paisay. [yingying cleaing up the floor]

Then we took a picture together with cream on our faces, before playing the trick on others again...so in the end, everyone kana-ed the thing, except Gretchen.

Everyone washed like madness coz the cream doesn't smell really nice.

Yee Teng's on fire!!!

[con't from the previous post] Claudia unglam #5. Lol.

Yingying trying to act cute but failed. lol.

Lester kept irritating Nainai by hitting his handphone thing on her. So I help nainai revenge by posting his unglam photo here. lol. Thank me erica.

Oh, I'hv invented a new game titled "The Ultimate Scissors Paper Stone". It's stressful yet exciting. Ask me to teach you all next time. Haha.
Friday, October 10, 2008
♥ 0729 seoul garden
After graduation ceremony, we seoul garden-ed @ Marina Square. Took a lot a lot of photos. Spent like more than 2 hours to finish uploading all the original photos. 0729 people, just take as you like. =)

Outside library toilet. Haha.