Sunday, November 30, 2008
Went airport to pick Xiaoxiao and stackie up. We waited like 50mins for back to walk out sia. Dosy was so bored that she played scissors paper stone with me. Haha. We wanted to give them a surprise initially...but Xiaoxiao saw us from afar. So not fun one. Haha.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
♥ class chalet
0729 CLASS CHALETDay 1:Played Big 2 and Heart Attack coz we had nothing better to do.

Heart Attack was rather violent. Everyone hitted so hard and Terence accidentally slapped Gretchen's hand so hard that her wrist swelled.

He felt so bad that he helped her apply medicine. Never see our CT rep so gentle before. Lol.

Don't know why, but Qi Hui kept posing while we were playing heart attack. Haha. There were some more of this kind of photos but I lazy to upload coz his poses are all the same. Just different angles. Haha.
At night, we rented a horror movie and some of the girls screamed like maddness even though it wasn't scary. Haha.
Day 2:
Some of us went to E!hub to play arcard. Haha. Damn fun. But wasted a lot of money.

This game was super exciting but it makes your arm ache man.

Went bowling after that. It was so crowded that all 8 of us had to squeeze and use a single lane.

Mushi was being retarded and bowled this way during his last game. Damn embarrassing sia. Haha. Went back for BBQ after that. The guys took quite some time to set up the fire and when it was almost done, it RAINED. Damn irritating.

So we tried to save the charcoal by sheltering it. Haha.

Qi Hui to the rescue coz the unmbrella kana blown away.

No choice, but we had to set up the fire indoors.

Soon, the rain stopped and we went back to bbq outdoors.
Friday, November 21, 2008
♥ jumbo
Eh, why does Jumbo has SO MANY customers? I just came back from there from a relative gathering. Their food is seriously seriously not good and it's damn expensive. Their chilli crab is the worst ever chilli crab I'hv ever eaten in my whole life. BAD. SUPER BAD. Their roasted chicken also. Nothing to say. It's worse than the $2 chicken rice stall near my house. Oh man. Oh, there was a cockroach running around too. -_-
Went to Sally's house in the morning to bake chesse cake. Haha. We sort of anyhow add here add there...but the in end, after chilled, it's rather nice. Except for the base, which is like SUPER sweet. Coz we added like trice the amount of sugar. Lol.
Then, we made some sushi also....haha. Sort of ruined it...but rather nice lar. Haha. Heng suay heng suay.
Going Malaysia tomorrow for 2 days. :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
♥ over
ALL RIGHT, it's over. Well, okay, there's physics mcq left next tues, but it's okay.
Sian. All the uncertainties are making me sian. I want to study business I want to study business I want to study business! Let me enter let me enter let me enter!
Went to sing K just now. Sang Barbie Girl and Doctor Jones. So huai nian. Lol.
Friday, November 07, 2008
♥ math
5 more papers to go. Sian man. I lose the momentum to study already...
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
♥ A's sucks
A LEVELS SUCK BIG TIME!!!What's the point of setting the paper so hard and let most people fail lar?Crazy.
GP P2 was disasterous. When I complained to Stackie through sms, I couldn't help but cried. Haha.
Geog P1 still okay ba? Just that I didn't really finish both part b essays. What made me angry was that cyclone and global warming essays didnt come out!
Math P1 was.....OMG?! It was quite different from past year standard leh. Crap. Hope P2 will be EASIER.
But this year's A lvl's like super hard leh. Many people complained.