Monday, December 29, 2008
♥ shopping with yanbin
Went out with my aunt today. 1 year older than me only. Haha.
She kept thinking if she should get her Zara cardigan coz it's on sale now. Then think here think there, in the end I asked her not to buy. It was only $10 cheaper. Bo liao sia. Haha. Unknowingly, 6 hours have passed...
I bought this $10 top and $15 bottom. Good good. Bought pillow protector from Old Empire also. It felt great to buy from a brand which I worked for before leh. Coz I know almost everything about the brand, and hence shopping is made easier.
Xiaobin! Remember our hg mall cotton on shopping date. Hahaha.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
♥ shopping with yanbin
Met the dodos at Hougang Mall Kopitiam, again. Haha. Started writing birthday notes for Stackie, although it was exactly 2 months late. Haha. Dosy wrote so long that we asked her to summarise, and Nan Xiao had to fake constipation and write in the toilet. Coz Stackie arrived already.

Very long never see Sarah's serious expression already. Haha.

Me: Eh, Stackie! Put your leg down lar! You think you at kopitiam izzit?
Stack: Yah what, this is kopitiam what. Haha.

Xiaoxiao looked so cute writing there, but it was rather out of place. Lol.

They looked rather shy, don't know why. Haha.
After eating our usual banmian, we all headed to my house for mahjong. :)
Asked Stackie to tell Sarah the previous parts of her story. Like me, Sarah kept asking "ah, then? ah then?" Haha. Funny funny.

Sarah themahjong pro started to tell us about the rules and stuff...

Dosy always take cover one. That's why there's very few ofher photos here. Unlike Stackie who loves to pose. Lol.

Oh, Xiaoxiao treated us to dodonuts. Coz she started working already. This means that it'll be my treat next time. :( Runaway. Haha.

It is SUPER RARE for Sarah to take photo with people willingly. I kana shocked when she automatically came closer when I pointed my camera. Good good. Haha.

Looks weird. Haha.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
♥ last day of work
Last day of work today. Had 2 extreme mood today-super angry and super happy.
The moment I reached my fragrance counter at about 1pm, I noticed that the stock was low. Then, came this tangs supervisor. She started saying and scolding me for not restocking and that if I don't want to restock, I should just give that counter up to other brands and blah blah blah. Hello, firstly, I was off yesterday, and that I just reached and didn't know that the stock suddenly became so low. Wah lao, the stock haven come yet its my fault lidat. Shit her. Then she started scolding me. When I tried to explain to her, she just walked off without me finishing. Darn her.
Later, I went back to my pillow counter. Then she held this fragrance set in her hand and started scolding, " why your item don't have price tag one?! the customer waited for very long already you know or not?!". Shittified lar. How would I know that the price tag came off, and that the customer was waiting? I had to take care of 2 counters which were far apart, and I wasn't at my fragrance counter. So how would I know?! I just grabbed the set from her and walked away.
Wah piang. Then later, she came over and bitched about me with 2 other staff JUST RIGHT INFRONT OF ME. Then kept pointing and looking at me. I was so super pissed off that I stared right back at them. I was very sure that there were flames in my eyes.
I was so damn super pissed off and angry and I had no where to vent my anger on, that I cried and got a headache. Then, my whole mind was filled with ways to take revenge.
Whenever I walked past her, I would either diao her or stared sideways at her. Coz she's short. So it's much easier to stare. Asshole. Then my mother came to visit me and I forgot to pass her something. So I sort of ran after her. Then that bitch looked at me and my mother. Wah lao, I really felt like saying the f word to her man.
She sucked to the max. She's afraid that the manager would scold her, and that's why she kept scolding us, the promoters, for even the slightest reason which is not even our fault. Today, I saw her saying this boy for not putting the cartons away. Then after that, she went to complain to the manager. Wah lao lar. Total bitch. Then I think she kana scolded too. Coz my colleague said " serve her right. haha."
Okay, my mood lightened after my break. I saw Qi Yu Wu at tangs. Haha. Then my friend called out his name and he turned over and said hello. So nice right? Haha. Oh, by the way, the bitch came over and stood behind him and looked at him like he's her lover lidat. So old already lar, still behave lidat.
Okay, then there came some really nice and fun customers and I became quite happy. My last customer was very nice. She even asked for my name and asked me why it was my last day today. Haha. I feel happy when I serve nice customers. Then, Hong Siew, Shin Wei and James came to look for me and we went home together. Happy. :)
Oh, my sales was like my best out of this period of time. Happy.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
♥ sushi
The dodos came over to my house to make sushi this afternoon. Eh, a bit failure lar. But practice makes perfect. Lol.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
♥ work
Don't know why, but I seem to be happier while working after I told the office that I wanted to quit. Haha.
It's kind of fun to talk to aunties nowadays. Haha. They're rather funny, and funny stuff happen to them. For instance, today, this uncle customer with super red checks (I think he's drunk), came up to this aunty and said" Hi, Xiao mei( little girl)." Wah, damn gross. Haha. The rest of us were all laughing at her.
And the brand next to mine always have new promoters coming...and most of them are youngsters. So I can know more people and there's at least young people for me to mix with. Haha.
I shall enjoy the remaining 1 week plus of my work. :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
♥ NX bdae
Went WHITE SANDS NTUC (suddenly rememberd that Mr Ng told us that NTUC is Aunty Lucy. lol. Bo liao.) to buy ingredients for baking brownies for Laoma's birthday(which is like more than 1 month ago. Haha.). Took a trolley and we dumped all out bags inside.

Don't ask me why Stackie was smiling happily. I don't know well. Probably because I took out my camera and she can pose again. Haha.

Oh, we wanted to start baking the brownies from scratch using Stackie's receipe. But we changed to the mix instead. Lazy sia. Haha.

Stackie trying to act tall by standing on the trolley. Dosy gave her that look. Don't know how to describe. Limited vocab. Lol.

Oh man, I didn't realise that I took so many photos of Stackie. Haha.
Finally reached Nan Xiao's house safely after quite some time coz we sort of lost our way. Haha. Coz I alighted at the wrong bus stop. :D

They smile until so happy. Haha.
Started mixing and baking...