Sunday, February 22, 2009
♥ Singapore Flyer

Went to ride the Singapore Flyer with my bro, grandma, aunt and cousin. It's rather waste of money and time lor. Lucky I went for free man. Haha. If not I'll start complaining already. An adult ride is $29.50 I think. Totally not worth it. The scenery is rather nice lar, only when your cabin reach the most top part. If not, then it's normal-looking only lor. Now, I'll only agree to go if I'm provided free transport and ticket. If not, no no. Haha.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
♥ Mr Curry
Went job hunting with YingYing today. But kind of failed. Lol.
Walked around Central and we decided to eat at Mr Curry. It's under Waraku Group. I'm so going back to eat at that restaurant I tell you. The service is good, the atmosphere is nice, the menu is damn cute, and the price is reasonable. The whole feeling is just right! Haha.

I ordered this. $12++. Rather nice. The atmosphere and utensils double the rather nice to damn nice! Haha. (omg....i'm having cravings now....haha.)

YingYing ordered some mushroom omelette with rice. Quite nice too! $14++.

Isn't the atmosphere just nice? I was smiling to myself most of the time coz I totally enjoyed eating at that place. Haha.

Then we ordered this mango smoothie and shared. $6.90++. Rather small cup. Haha. But quite nice lar.

Guess what. Coz the stuff there are really too kawaii. So Yingying asked for the paper bag. LOL. In the end he gave us 1 each. Damn nice. With some poster thingy too. Lol.

Shopped around. Bought this Victoria Secret Body Scrub. $24 after discount. Smells niceeeee.
Haiyz, I spent damn hell lots in the past 1.5 months. I calculated. Almost $500!!!! HAIYZ. SIAN.
No job but still spend so much. Crazy. Slap myself. I didn't realise I spent so much until I calculated lor. Got a shock. Mostly spent on food somemore. Haha. Sian.
Monday, February 09, 2009
♥ jap school
Met Dosy and Stackie at Kovan. Flipped newspaper and called up some companies. But most of them want permanent one. Sian. It's hard to get temp admin jobs nowadays sia. Anyway, going for an interview tmr, and thry want to see my prelim results! OMG. I think it'll be a wasted trip tmr. Haha. Crazy. I passed my geog only for prelims lar. I'm so going to tell the interviewer tmr ' results ain't everything.' MUAHAHA.
Okok. Then....went to the Jap Learning Centre. Yay! Learning Jap with Dosy, Stackie and Xiaoxiao! Finally sia. It's been duno how many months since we said that we wanted to learn Jap. Haha. Lessons start in March. :):)
Saturday, February 07, 2009
FUN FUN DAY!!!! =)
Went East Coast Park with Sally, Hui Si, Ying Ying and Cai Ping this afternoon. Those who were late came late, those who got lost were even later. Haha. So in the end, we started cycling/ rollerblading at 1+pm. My mother banned me from rollerblading coz I fell on my spine before. But lucky it's all right. So was rather jealous watching them blade. But rather funny also lar. Coz they were wobbly wobbly, so can scare them from the back. HAHA.

Stopped for a rest, then we took a group photo. Eh, more photos on my Facebook!!

After 'babysitting' those who were rollerblading, Sally and I cycled off to the other side find our own entertainment. Haha. I like it there. The trees very nice. Haha. So we stopped to take a few photos. Then after that, while cycling, I kept trying to take photo of both of us with 1 hand let go. So when I was snapping, it was rather buay balance. We even almost crashed into each other (as shown above. Haha). Lucky we both pro and didnt fall or whatever. Lol. But manage to take a few successful shots. :) Go facebook see. Haha.

After returning our bikes, we went to drink slurpee!! A must-to-drink after vigourous activities at ECP. Haha. Met the rest and off we went to lay arcarde! MUAHAHAHA. 1 of my favourite arcarde in Singapore. CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP. ALL 50cents NIA! EVEN DDR. Danced with Hui Si. Haha. Fun fun. Danced still quite high sia. Totally got the feel. Haha. My feet is in some deep shit now coz I stepped too hard. Then the skin a bit kana scraped tio. Haha. Meanwhile, those zilian people like Yingying started to use my camera to zilian. Lol. Then the good thing about the arcarde there is that there're very few people. So it's very nice to play DDR. Then we even tried Parapara also. Paired with Huisi. Damn funny.

No money buy real bike. Fake one also shuang. Haha. Oh, then poor Sally didnt have a chance to view her sea. Haha. Coz it was rather late already.
After which, when to my cousin's house for CNY gathering round 2. Lol.

My brother initiated to play board game-HOTEL. A super fun game which we used to play since young. So I played with my brother, aunt and cousin. Age range: 16-21. Haha. Can see many empty lands hor? Coz my aunt and cousin's cash outflow is serisouly high. Coz they kept landing into my hotels. Haha. Fun fun.
Next game: Monopoly. My another cousin and his girlfriend joined in. Age range: 16-24. Lol. But monopoly not that fun. Hotel funner. HAHA.
My 1 year older aunt. Lol.
Lao yusheng.
Friday, February 06, 2009
♥ 无法归类
Hello everyone, did I lend anyone my Derrick Ho's 无法归类 album? It's like gone now. :( Please tell me if it's with you.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
♥ basketball
Woke up early in the morning at 8am. Supposed to meet the dodos and Regina and Vivien at 9.30am to play basketball. But I was late in the end coz of my basketball. Wanted to pump more air into the normal condition ball. Somehow, I didn't know that the pump spoilt, the air kept escaping and the ball totally became useless. Haha. Called those dodos for help, but none of them got pump. Even cause laoma to be late coz she searched high and low for the pump. Haha.
So, after I reached the maplewood park, Stackie and I walked to the petrol station, hoping that we can pump the ball there. But the uncle say cannot pump. So we walked to the next one. Don't have. Walked again, don't have. At the 4th station, the auntie told us that deflated ball cannot pump. So we were like, ok, thank you byebye. Haha. Walked to CC, don't have. Walked to bicycle shop, CLOSED. Walked to the neighbourhood shops. ALL don't have. Walked to childcare centre, don't have. In the end, we spent like 1 hour walking, with the ball still not pumped. Sian diao sia. Wasted trip. I think my face a little reddish now, from walking under the sun too long. Haha.
So, we used the basketball to play netball instead. Haha. Quite fun. Coz a basketball can roll but cannot bounce. Haha. After playing, we went to Stackie's house to eat cup noodles while Sarah they all went Vivien's house to watch BOF. Haha.

NanXiao's greedy+satisfied look while eating. Lol.
Oh, Stackie's cousin was at her house! He's damn cute sia. He was so super happy listening to Elmo's song, and he rather likes to take photos. Haha. Oh, then after I carried him, I let Dosy carry. Then later Laoma tried to carry him, but he said loudly "DON'T TOUCH!". Or maybe he said "don't move". Anyway, it was damn funny. Poor laoma, hurt sia, kana rejected by a kid. Haha.
Headed down to Suntec. But the movie haven come out yet. So we went arcard to play instead. Haha. Oh, and the guy called 1.5hours later. But we decided not to go anymore. Sian diao sia. Haha.
Today is Stackie's and my unlucky day sia. Had to walk so much early in the morning, interview was unsuccessful, and the movie we wanted to watch wasn't out yet. Sian sia.